Post|詹姆斯在MVP榜上应超过库里 湖人没有老詹 西部倒数前三?( 二 )

[–]Lakerskrosber04 127 points 3 hours ago
With 127 ppg
湖人球迷:球队场均还能得127分 。
[–]Heat302born 93 points 2 hours ago*
I genuinely wonder how AD feels about this considering he’s been so adamant for so long about not wanting to play center. And then 37 year old Lebron just says “can’t be that hard” and the whole team starts coming together lol
热火球迷:浓眉一直坚定地拒绝打中锋 , 现在37岁高龄的老詹说“打中锋也不是太难” , 而且球队开始好起来了 , 我真想知道浓眉现在怎么想 。

Post|詹姆斯在MVP榜上应超过库里 湖人没有老詹 西部倒数前三?

[–]Knicksgianthamguy 398 points 3 hours ago
this guy should be above Steph in the MVP race (for now) given how they&aposre playing the last 6 weeks
尼克斯球迷:结合近六周他们的表现来看 , 詹姆斯在现在的MVP榜上应该超过库里 。
[–]ben_twiener 142 points 3 hours ago
Absolutely. Steph is shooting 42% from the field and less production all across the board. Lebron should be the favorite imo. This team is a bottom 3 team in the west without him.
球迷:必须的 , 库里现在的命中率是42% , 整体产出上也比詹姆斯少 。 在我看来老詹是最棒的 , 这支球队没有老詹的话妥妥的西部倒数前三 。
If the lakers can get into the 4th seed he’ll be seriously in the discussion fs.
球迷:什么时候湖人队进入西部前四 , 什么时候再来讨论吧 。
I don’t think anyone thinks Steph has been MVP in terms of “best player” given his up and down season but the record really helps him
球迷:鉴于库里今年的起伏之大 , 应该没有人真心觉得他是目前的MVP , 即所谓的最佳球员吧 , 但他今年破的那个记录确实帮助了他 。

Post|詹姆斯在MVP榜上应超过库里 湖人没有老詹 西部倒数前三?

[–]Lakerswewillbefrands4sure 284 points 4 hours ago
Bron has now scored 30 or above in 15 out of his last 20 games.
湖人球迷:老詹近20场比赛15场得分超过30分 。
[–]lets_talk_basketball 216 points 4 hours ago
Crazy part is it seemed like his efficiency was off.. missed a lot of jumpers, yet he still shoots over 50% this guy&aposs incredible
球迷:最离谱的是感觉他的效率已经下降了 , 投丢了这么多投篮 , 但发现他的命中率依然在50%以上 , 不可思议哈 。
[–]LakersTylerdong 388 points 4 hours ago
We NEED to find the money to give Malik Monk another contract

Post|詹姆斯在MVP榜上应超过库里 湖人没有老詹 西部倒数前三?

[–]Ok_Investigator24 58 points 4 hours ago
Westbrook should just give him 20 mil
[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 183 points 4 hours ago
Warriors ?D Lakers
Trying to find money to give their minimum guy another contract.
勇士球迷:我们也愁怎么再给球队最低薪资球员一份合同(波特) 。
[–]CrowdSilencer 87 points 4 hours ago
The Warriors did LAL a solid by dropping Avery.
球迷:勇士把布拉德利给了湖人 , 你们真不错啊 。
[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 77 points 4 hours ago
I feel like we have zero regrets because we got GP2 instead.
勇士球迷:一点儿也不后悔 , 因为我们有了佩顿二世 。
[–]Lakersmachiavellius 47 points 4 hours ago
Which is funny because he was on the lakers at one point
湖人球迷:这也挺搞笑的 , 因为曾经他也是我们的一员 。

Post|詹姆斯在MVP榜上应超过库里 湖人没有老詹 西部倒数前三?

