CBA|键盘侠|你要说把浓眉或利拉德换成魔兽 没有吧友会喷你( 二 )

[–]Blltxs 269 points 13 hours ago
I&aposm an old man who remembers when bron v Dwight was a legitimate debate

CBA|键盘侠|你要说把浓眉或利拉德换成魔兽 没有吧友会喷你

[–][ORL] Nick AndersonCC_Kyoraku 91 points 13 hours ago
Prime D-12 was an absolute beast.
[–][CHI] Derrick Rosejeric13xd 2204 points 14 hours ago
I know its been a long time ago but it’s refreshing to see Stan isn’t holding a grudge and talking shit about Dwight. That’s not always the case with these rough break ups
公牛球迷:我知道事情已经过去很久了 , 但看到大范没有怀恨在心 , 没有说霍华德的坏话 , 还是让人欣慰 。 毕竟分手时那么难堪 , 还能这样可不常见 。
[–]BucksHard_Strokes233 660 points 14 hours ago
George Karl and Melo, and tbh a few other former players of his
雄鹿球迷:想想乔治-卡尔和甜瓜 , 老实说 , 还有他执教过的一些其他球员
[–]TennisShoulder 528 points 14 hours ago
Karl seems like the common link
[–]Copperbae 97 points 14 hours ago
Takes a bigger man then me. Imagine you find out your hotshot coworker is going behind your back trying to get you fired. Then you all make a public appearance and the same coworker is telling everybody (with a fake ass smile and a hand around you) that everything is all good and you guys are great.
It&aposs still refreshing that Stan can respect Dwight and what they did for each other.
球迷:大范甘迪做事比我爷们 。 想象一下 , 你身边一个前途无量的同事在背后搞你 , 要把你炒掉 。 然后在公开场合 , 这个同事却告诉别人(和你勾肩搭背 , 一脸做作的假笑)你们俩之间啥事没有 , 关系融洽 。 大范对霍华德的尊重以及他们对彼此做的事确实是让人耳目一新 。

CBA|键盘侠|你要说把浓眉或利拉德换成魔兽 没有吧友会喷你

[–]Cavalierscrispyiress 199 points 14 hours ago
I think he’s been around players enough to know they come into the league as kids with tons of money and power. Dwight has matured and went from eating unlimited candy to being vegan. No point in holding a grudge when the man has grown into a better person.
骑士球迷:我想大范对这些球员太了解了 , 他们进联盟时 , 年纪轻轻却都已腰缠万贯 , 应者如云 。 霍华德已经变得成熟了 , 从一个爱吃糖无节制的人变成了一个素食主义者 。 一个人若已成长为更好的人 , 没必要再心存怨恨 。
[–][PHI] Eric Snowgustriandos 510 points 15 hours ago
the league had no answers for 4 out around Dwight for a few years there. that was kind of the golden age of stretch 4s where they really helped on offense and didnt kill you too bad on d
76人球迷:有几年时间 , 整个联盟都对魔兽身边的四号位束手无策 。 那可以说是延伸四号位的黄金年代 , 他们在进攻端的作用巨大 , 只是在防守端没办法把对手限制死 。
[–]MagicGamesgtd 296 points 15 hours ago
No stretch 4s still killed you on d. You didn&apost notice it in Orlando because Dwight Howard was like Rudy Gobert and could cover for everyone&aposs weakness.
魔术球迷:没有任何延伸四号位能在防守端把对手限制死 。 在魔术队 , 你之所以没注意到这一点是因为霍华德就像戈贝尔一样 , 可以在防守端为所有队友擦屁股 。
[–][CHI] Brian ScalabrineCoachDT 171 points 14 hours ago
The magics entire strategy defensively was just “kinda try and get them to go in Dwight’s direction” and it worked. It was absurd.

