ago|勇士球迷难受想哭 今夜我们都是湖人( 二 )

ago|勇士球迷难受想哭 今夜我们都是湖人

[–]LakersTuckBigFech 370 points 2 hours ago
I feel less bad for yesterday&aposs loss now.
[–]Lakersrawchess 169 points 2 hours ago
No shame in losing to the best team in the league, the B2B Pacers
湖人球迷:对啊 , 输给全联盟最好的球队——背靠背的步行者——不丢人 。
[–]LakersTuckBigFech 50 points 2 hours ago
B2B Pacers is undefeated
湖人球迷:步行者 , 背靠背 , 打谁都不累
[–]Warriorsfamoustran 29 points 3 hours ago
Bro what can both of our teams do against the best team in the NBA
勇士球迷:哥们 , 我们湖勇两队到底要怎么样才能打败这支NBA最牛的队伍啊
[–]BucksDrunkBucksFan 315 points 2 hours ago
You knew the Warriors were screwed when TNT showed Steve Kerr laughing during the timeout while up 3 in regulation
雄鹿球迷:常规时间领先3分时的暂停 , 你从转播画面中看到科尔笑得那么开心 , 你就知道勇士完犊子了
[–]WarriorsDaclitz 31 points 3 hours ago
steve kerr not choosing to foul when we were up 3 is gonna keep me awake at night.
勇士球迷:领先3分时科尔不选择犯规 , 让我气抖冷 , 大半夜都睡不着觉
[–]WarriorsMostlyBullshitStory 113 points 3 hours ago
Ah ah, for me it was when Chuck said they had no chance of winning at half time.
The Pacers brought it, that’s one team I don’t mind losing against, they deserve all the praise, back to back tough games with mostly new players. Good for the team, they needed this break.
On the bright side for us, Curry’s back…
勇士球迷:哈哈 , 我是中场听到巴克利说步行者毫无胜算就心道要糟 。 步行者打得很好 , 我不介意输给这样一支球队 , 他们值得所有赞誉 。 几乎全都是新球员 , 还是背靠背的比赛 , 步行者做得相当好 , 他们也需要这样一个喘息之机 。 对我们来说也算有一个好消息:库里回来了……
[–]WarriorsLaughingPlanet 23 points 2 hours ago
I, too, blame Chuck. Has he ever been right about anything? I am asking
勇士球迷:一样 , 都怪巴克利!这家伙有一次说对过吗?我就想知道
ago|勇士球迷难受想哭 今夜我们都是湖人

[–]Spurskawhi21 70 points 3 hours ago
I think people still haven&apost realized the impact Draymond has on this team. He&aposs involved in every single play offense and defense. Warriors are missing that bigtime
马刺球迷:我认为人们还是没有意识到追梦对球队的影响力 , 他会参与球队攻防两端的每一个回合 。 勇士想念这个巨头
[–]CelticsBrad-Stevens 121 points 2 hours ago
Draymond Green remains one of the more underrated all-time greats
All these years he still doesn’t get appreciated enough
凯尔特人球迷:追梦格林是史上最被低估的伟大球员之一 。 这么多年了 , 他还没有获得足够的重视
[–]Sunsbdm016 45 points 2 hours ago
This awful stretch from GS helped his legacy a good amount. Will wake a lot of people up on his importance
太阳球迷:勇士这段时间的拉胯表现能让很多人意识到格林的重要性 , 这有助于提升他的历史地位
ago|勇士球迷难受想哭 今夜我们都是湖人

[–]WarriorsCtG526 114 points 2 hours ago
Of course on Steph&aposs first good game of the year, the rest of the team all decide to lose as hard as humanly possible.

