参赛|法国选手穿“老虎装”参赛,还在空中“挥爪爪”……( 二 )

勒菲弗在预选赛的第一轮身着法国队的滑雪服上场比赛 , 后两轮则换上了老虎装 。 勒菲弗在第二轮预选赛时在空中挥了挥小虎爪 , 但看过回放以后 , 她觉得动作看上去有些滑稽 。 于是在最后一跳时 , 选择向裁判的高塔方向挥手 。

"It was not super beautiful," she said of her claws. "So I decided for the last one to just say Hi to the judges. And especially the French one, because it's a friend of mine."
“并不是特别好看 , ”她说到自己的“小虎爪” , “所以我决定最后一跳的时候朝着裁判那边说‘Hi’ , 特别是朝着法国裁判 , 因为那位是我的朋友 。 ”
Asked why Huber had the costume to begin with, Lefevre explained that "he's a crazy man, actually". The 27-year-old Huber has been wearing the outfit for a series of videos on his Instagram account, apparently inspired by Lunar New Year celebrations that overlapped with the start of the Winter Games.
当问及为什么胡贝尔会穿这件衣服 , 勒菲弗解释说“他这人挺活泼 , 真的 。 ”27岁的胡贝尔在他社交平台上发布了几段身着老虎装的视频 , 既是受到庆祝农历中国新年的启发 , 也契合了北京2022年冬奥会开幕的时机 。

"I asked yesterday if he can give it to me for the day, a special day for me," Lefevre said. "And he said, 'Yes, of course.'"
“我昨天问他能不能把衣服借我一天 , 对我来说特别的一天 。 ”勒菲弗说 。 “他说 , ‘当然可以’ 。 ”
The two-time Olympian was unperturbed at finishing bottom of the qualification standings, considering simply competing in the Chinese capital was a victory in itself.
已经是冬奥会两朝元老的勒菲弗在资格赛中排名垫底 , 但仍轻松上阵 。 她觉得在北京参赛本身就是一种胜利 。
Lefevre was diagnosed with osteochondrosis, a rare illness that stunts bone growth, at 3 years old. She had three operations, and doctors told her sports were off the table.
勒菲弗在3岁时被诊断出患有软骨病 , 这是一种阻碍骨骼生长的罕见疾病 。 她经历过三次手术 , 医生也告诉她不能运动了 。
"But then I went snowboarding and made progress. And I'm here (at the Winter Olympics) for the second time," she said.
“但后来我去滑雪 , 而且越来越好 。 到今天 , 我已经参加了两届奥运会了 。 ”

Ranked as high as seventh in the World Cup rankings in slopestyle, Lefevre has carved out a successful sporting career as a pro snowboarder but came to a decision a year ago that her body could not quite sustain the challenging nature of the high-flying sport anymore.
勒菲弗在坡面障碍技巧项目上世界杯排名第七 。 作为一名专业滑雪运动员 , 她已经在运动生涯中获得了成功 。 但一年前 , 她的身体早已无法承受高空滑雪这项运动了 。
What happens next? The Upper Alps native plans to enjoy time with her father at his sailing school.
接下来做什么呢?出生在法国布里安康 , 被阿尔卑斯山怀抱的勒菲弗打算去她父亲的航海学校 。
"I may train baby snowboarders," she added.
“我可能会教小朋友滑雪吧 。 ”

