国家体育馆|“鸟巢”开启冬残奥保障模式、迎冬残奥会 国家体育馆冰面换标识……( 二 )

两大场馆运行近20天 , 冬奥赛后五棵松和首体将“华丽转型”
国家体育馆|“鸟巢”开启冬残奥保障模式、迎冬残奥会 国家体育馆冰面换标识……

During the Beijing Olympic Winter Games, Haidian district successfully completed the service work for 18 games at the Capital Indoor Stadium and 29 competitions at the Wukesong Sports Center. After the Games, the Wukesong Sports Center will not only hold international sporting events, but also host the Youth Sports Club. The Capital Indoor Stadium will become a complex integrating professional ice training, public fitness, sporting events and performances. It can undertake short track speed skating, figure skating, volleyball, basketball and other high-level events.
在北京冬奥会期间 , 海淀区圆满完成了首都体育馆17天18场比赛、五棵松体育中心14天29场比赛的保障工作 。 经历北京冬奥会 , 五棵松体育中心和首都体育馆也进行了改造升级 。 赛后 , 五棵松场馆在承接奥运级别的国际大型赛事外 , 还将成立青少年运动俱乐部 。 首体则将成为集专业冰上训练、群众体育健身、体育活动演出为一体的综合体、大本营 , 可承接短道速滑、花样滑冰、冰球、冰壶以及排球、篮球、乒乓球等项目高水平赛事 。
A list of Beijing's key projects in 2022 was released recently. 15 key projects will take place in the Future Science City. The projects include 5 sci-tech innovation and high-precision industrial projects, 6 infrastructure ones and 4 daily life improvement projects. Among them, the Intelligent Operation Center (IOC) project for the Future Science City will be completed in the first half of this year. It will introduce a “smart brain” for the City’s information construction.
近日 , 北京市2022年“3个100”重点工程目录出炉 , 共有15个重点工程项目落户未来科学城 。 这些工程包括科技创新及高精尖产业项目5项、基础设施项目6项、民生改善项目4项 。 其中 , 北京未来科学城智慧城市运行服务中心(IOC)工程正进入最后冲刺阶段 , 计划今年上半年竣工 。 该项目将打造未来科学城信息化建设的“智慧大脑” 。
北京开查校园食品安全 , 守护“开学第一餐”
As the new semester of primary and middle schools began on Feb 21, the Beijing market supervision department launched an inspection of food safety in schools, which will last until late March. The inspection covers school canteens and surrounding catering units. Ten aspects will be inspected, including system establishment, licensing, employee management and environmental sanitation. It will highlight full traceability of cold chain food, especially imported cold chain food.
本周(2月21日) , 全市各中小学校陆续开学 , 北京市市场监管部门开始启动校园周边食品安全大检查 。 采访人员了解到 , 本次检查覆盖学校食堂及周边餐饮单位、供餐单位、校园周边餐饮企业 。 本轮全覆盖检查预计将于3月下旬结束 。 专项检查行动对制度建设、许可情况、从业人员管理、环境卫生、采购环节、食品留样等十方面内容开展检查 , 突出冷链食品尤其是进口冷链食品的全程可追溯 。
The Nancai Ginkgo Theme Park in Shunyi district will be completed this Dec. The project retains more than 11,400 original trees, transplanted nearly 5000 trees and newly planted over 100 trees, more than 7,500 shrubs, 75,000 square meters of flowers, and 379,000 square meters of ground cover plants. The construction of courtyards, water supply, drainage engineering and electricity infrastructure will start simultaneously. Focusing on the theme of ginkgo, the park will form a unified ginkgo forest and set up a perfect "Ginkgo Science Popularization Exhibition Area".

