Winter|冬残奥村将以新面貌与大众见面.....( 二 )

国贸至北三县“定制快巴”即将开通 , 单人单次15元左右
In order to facilitate commuters from the three counties on the east side of Beijing working in the downtown area, the city will soon launch a customized express bus from Beijing's CBD. The express bus ride from the CBD to Yanjiao will cost 15 yuan per person and the one to Dachang and Xianghe will be 16 yuan. The "customized express bus" will adopt a smart security inspection system with face recognition function.
高端产业强劲增长 前两月北京经济延续恢复态势
Beijing's economy continues to recover. From January to February 2022, the city's total retail sales of consumer goods reached 242.73 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.5%. Driven by the Winter Olympics, sales of sports commodities increased by 14.3% year-on-year. The city's high-end industries continued to maintain vitality, and the added value of high-tech manufacturing above designated size increased by 15.9% year-on-year. The output of new energy vehicles increased 1.4 times.
坚持稳字当头、稳中求进 , 北京经济延续恢复态势 。 2022年1至2月 , 全市实现社会消费品零售总额2427.3亿元 , 同比增长2.5% , 其中体育类商品在冬奥带动下增长14.3% 。 全市高端产业继续保持活力 , 规模以上高技术制造业增加值同比增长15.9% , 新能源汽车产量增长1.4倍 。
According to the latest plan, a number of high-standard public sports venues will be built in the Sub-center of Beijing (Tongzhou District), including football fields, basketball courts, table tennis facilities and tennis courts. At least 15 special venues will be constructed in the Beijing Sub-center every year.
《北京城市副中心(通州区)“十四五”时期体育事业发展规划》近日对外发布 。 《规划》显示 , 城市副中心将高标准建设一批公共体育场馆 。 对于群众喜闻乐见的足球场、篮球场、乒乓球长廊、网球场等 , 城市副中心每年将建设不少于15处专项场地 。
北京通州体育场启动改造升级 为居民打造家门口的“健身房”
The upgrading and renovation of Tongzhou Stadium began recently and is expected to be completed in June 2024. The upgraded Tongzhou Stadium will consist of a gymnasium, a swimming pool and a national fitness center. The project will greatly improve the conditions of local fitness and sports facilities. In addition, more than 1,000 parking spaces can be added for the use of residents in surrounding neighborhoods.
近日 , 随着通州体育场升级改造工程开工 ,预计2024年6月完工 。 升级后的通州体育场由体育馆、游泳馆、全民健身中心等组成 , 项目建成后将大大改善通州老城全民健身运动条件 , 还可为周边居民新增千余车位 。
预计9月京唐城际将通车 , 10分钟内可从燕郊站至副中心
According to the Beijing Institute of Transportation Development, in September this year, the Beijing-Tangshan intercity high-speed railway will start to operate. The new railway line starts from Beijing Sub-center Station and ends in Tangshan Station, passing through Yanjiao , Dachang and Xianghe. In the future, it will only take 10 minutes to get from Yanjiao Station to Beijing Sub-center. It will greatly ease traffic congestion.
北京交通发展研究院相关负责人近日表示表示 , 预计今年9月 , 京唐城际实现通车 , 西起城市副中心站 , 终点位于唐山站 , 设燕郊站、大厂站、香河站 , 通车后实现10分钟内从燕郊站至副中心站 , 将大大缓解交通拥挤 。
来源:央视新闻 人民网 千龙网 新京报 北京日报 北京青年报
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