关于sweat的有趣表达 sweat( 二 )

你可以对他们说 , "No sweat"!这只是说明你做起来很容易 。但我只会在我非常熟悉的人面前用这个 。
Here is another strange expression: "Don't sweat it". This is a way of saying "no problem" or "don't worry about it".
这是另一个奇怪的表达:"Don’t sweat it" 。这是"没问题"或"别担心"的一种表达方式 。
Here's a quick story. One time, my roommate and I decided to have a stoop sale.
这里有一个简短的故事 。有一次 , 我的室友和我决定搞一次门廊旧货甩卖 。
This is a fun way to get rid of stuff and make a little money. It also gives you a chance to see people in the neighborhood because the stoop is the front area of a building -- the part with the steps.
这是以一种有趣的方式来处理东西 , 并赚点钱 。它也让你有机会看到附近的人 , 因为门廊是房子的前面那片区域—带台阶的部分 。
In the morning, we worked up a sweat carrying all the items down. But once things were set up, we could relax and talk to people who stopped by.
早上 , 我们大汗淋漓地把所有的东西搬了下来 。但一旦事情都安排好了 , 我们就可以放松下来 , 和路过的人聊聊天 。
It was really fun to get rid of things we no longer wanted. And by the end of the day we had earned nearly $100 to spend on a little party for everyone.
卖掉我们不再想要的东西真的很有趣 。到那天结束的时候 , 我们已经赚了将近100美元 , 可以用来举办一个小派对供大家玩乐 。
It was a really hot day and during the sale, I sweated up a storm. So, I took off my favorite jacket and set it aside.
那天真的很热 , 在大甩卖的时候 , 我大汗淋漓 。所以 , 我脱下我最喜欢的夹克 , 把它放在一边 。
By the end of the morning, I couldn't find it. My roommate asked me, "Was it the black jacket with lightning on it"? "Yes," I answered.
到上午结束时 , 我找不到夹克了 。我的室友问我:"是那件有闪电图案的黑夹克吗"?"是的 , "我回答 。
She quietly said, "I think I sold it". I could tell that she felt badly. So, to make her feel better I said, "Don't sweat it!
她小声地说道:"我想我把它卖了 。"我看得出她很愧疚 。所以 , 为了让她感觉好一点 , 我说:"别担心!
It's not a big deal. Come on, let's order pizza and drinks"! Inside, though, I must admit . . .
这没什么大不了的 。来吧 , 我们点披萨和饮料"!
I was a little upset. It was my favorite jacket.
但我必须承认 , 在内心深处……我有点伤心 。那是我最喜欢的夹克 。
But those feelings did not last long. There are too many serious problems in life.
但这种感觉并没有持续太久 。生活中有太多严重的问题 。
So, it is important to not get upset about small things. In other words, don't sweat the small stuff.
所以 , 重要的是不要为小事而烦恼 。换句话说 , don't sweat the small stuff(莫在小事上纠结) 。
Here is my last note on usage. While "sweat" and "perspiration" are physically the same thing, the two words are often not used the same way.
这是关于这个单词用法的最后一点说明 。虽然"sweat"和"perspiration"在物理上指的是同一个意思 , 但这两个词的用法往往不一样 。
We do not say "perspiration" in the same informal way we say "sweat". So, with all of the expressions we heard today, we only use the word "sweat".
二者的日常用法不同 。所以 , 在我们今天听到的所有表达中 , 我们只使用"sweat"这个词 。

