
2010年03月04,在泰国曼谷,少年帕塔纳特.萨苏芬运用体毛测定方法被评定为多毛症,尽管身上的体毛比一般人多很多 , 但是帕塔纳特.萨苏芬表示,“我不感觉与其它人有什么不同,而且我在学校0有很多朋友”同时 , 现在她也成了一个名人,可以有很多机会去国外参观 。


The hairiest teenager is Supatra “Nat” Sasuphan (Thailand) according to the Ferriman Gallwey method of evaluation of Hirsutism. She was measured on the set of Lo Show dei Record in Rome, Italy, on 4 March 2010.
Meeting Nat was one of the many highlights of the show for on-screen adjudicator, Marco Frigatti. “She’s a remarkable little girl,” says Marco. “She’s proud of who she is and wants to be treated just like everyone else. She’s not the one with the  problem – it’s only those who treat her differently who’ve got the problem.”
And Nat agrees. “I don’t feel any different to anyone else, and I’ve got lots of friends at school.” Now a celebrity, she’s starting to enjoy her fame, and was thrilled by the chance to visit a foreign country. “It’s really fun and exciting,” she told us, “and it’s my first time on a plane. I’ve never been outside Thailand.” But her most exciting experience was the moment she was crowned Hairiest Child. “Being hairy makes me special,” she said, adding: “This the happiest day of my life!”
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