格林童话中的所有故事的英文名?( 二 )

126. Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful
127. The Iron Stove
128. The Lazy Spinner
129. The Four Skilful Brothers
130. One-eye, Two-eyes, and Three-eyes
131. Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie
132. The Fox and the Horse
133. The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces
134. The Six Servants
135. The White Bride and the Black One
136. Iron John
137. The Three Black Princesses
138. Knoist and his Three Sons
139. The Maid of Brakel
140. Domestic Servants
141. The Lambkin and the Little Fish
142. Simeli Mountain
143. Going A-Travelling
144. The Donkey
145. The Ungrateful Son
146. The Turnip
147. The Old Man Made Young Again
148. The Lord's Animals and the Devil's
149. The Beam
150. The Old Beggar-Woman
151. The Three Sluggards
151. The Twelve Idle Servants
152. The Shepherd Boy
153. The Star-Money
154. The Stolen Farthings
155. Brides On Their Trial
156. Odds And Ends
157. The Sparrow And His Four Children
158. The Story of Schlauraffen Land
159. The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders
160. A Riddling Tale
161. Snow-White and Rose-Red
162. The Wise Servant
163. The Glass Coffin
164. Lazy Harry
165. The Griffin
166. Strong Hans
167. The Peasant in Heaven
168. Lean Lisa
169. The Hut in the Forest
170. Sharing Joy and Sorrow
171. The Willow-Wren
172. The Sole
173. The Bittern and the Hoopoe
174. The Owl
175. The Moon
176. The Duration of Life
177. Death's Messengers
178. Master Pfriem / Master Cobbler's Awl
179. The Goose-Girl at the Well
180. Eve's Various Children
181. The Nix of the Mill-Pond
182. The Little Folks' Presents
183. The Giant and the Tailor
184. The Nail
185. The Poor Boy in the Grave
186. The True Sweethearts
187. The Hare and the Hedgehog
188. The Spindle, The Shuttle, and the Needle
189. The Peasant and the Devil
190. The Crumbs on the Table
191. The Sea-Hare
192. The Master-Thief
193. The Drummer
194. The Ear of Corn
195. The Grave-Mound
196. Old Rinkrank
197. The Crystal Ball
198. Maid Maleen
199. The Boots of Buffalo-Leather
200. The Golden KeyTHE CHILDREN'S LEGENDSLegend
1. St Joseph in the ForestLegend
2. The Twelve ApostlesLegend
3. The RoseLegend
4. Poverty and Humility Lead to HeavenLegend
5. God's FoodLegend
6. The Three Green TwigsLegend
7. Our Lady's Little GlassLegend
8. The Aged MotherLegend
9. The Heavenly WeddingLegend
10. The Hazel-Branch

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