让男闺蜜感动到哭的留言( 二 )

因为对面是你,我才不远千里来赴约 。
Because the opposite is you, I came all the way to the appointment.
我们经常互相嫌弃,却又不离不弃 。
We often hate each other, but never abandon.
再次相见,才知道,对的人不管多久都不会变 。
Meet again, just know, no matter how long the right person will not change.
希望我们,从青春年华,一直到满头白发 。
Wish us, from youth to white hair.
世界这么大,我们很幸运,遇见彼此,又从没放弃 。
The world is so big, we are so lucky to meet each other and never give up.
We have gone through difficult times together, you are the best gift youth has given me!

