就是表达连接它们的思想之间的过渡 什么是过渡句( 四 )

  • to illustrate
  • 段落之间的过渡句子
    除了使用过渡词和短语来写出强烈的句子外 , 你还可以写出更有效的段落过渡句的理想位置是段落的开头 , 因为这是你解释新信息的相关性的地方 。你的过渡句应该做两件事:介绍该段的主题 , 并在整篇文章中给出上下文 。
    We hiked all day. After a few hours ,  my friend ,  my dog ,  and I all started to feel weary ,  taking more frequent rests than we’d taken at the beginning of the hike. But once we caught a glimpse of the mountain’s peak ,  we felt rejuvenated and powered through the last leg of the way up. We’d spent months planning this trip ,  and now we were finally there.
    After we reached the peak ,  it was time to decide the best way to go back down the mountain. Somehow ,  it felt anticlimactic—months and months planning this hike ,  visualizing ourselves standing atop the tallest mountain we’d hiked to date and now ,  standing in that position ,  all I felt was the exhaustion I knew would come with maneuvering our way back down and out of the woods as the sun set.
    段落中的过渡句至关重要 。让我们看看如果没有过渡句 , 段落会是怎样的:
    The best days of my childhood were the days I spent up at my grandparents’ cabin on the lake. I learned how to swim. My grandfather took me to a small ,  shallow river where I practiced all the basics. I was a confident swimmer.
    上面看起来是不是有些平铺直叙? 现在来看看过渡句是如何的 :
    The best days of my childhood were the days I spent up at my grandparents’ cabin on the lake. That’s where I learned how to swim. Every afternoon ,  my grandfather took me to a small ,  shallow river where I practiced all the basics.By the time I was eight ,  I was a confident swimmer.

