还在用普通的英语形容词吗 普通是形容词吗

还在用普通的英语形容词吗 普通是形容词吗

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英语里的形容词和中文里的形容词一样 , 都是修饰名词的描述性词 , 但是很多乏味的形容词都可以用来破坏一个好句子 , 而一个精彩的形容词也会让句子丰富起来 。以下是一些形容词列表:
Adamant: unyielding; a very hard substance不屈的;一种非常坚硬的物质
Antic: clownish, frolicsome滑稽的 , 小丑 , 嬉戏
Arcadian: serene宁静
Bilious: unpleasant, peevish不愉快 , 脾气暴躁
Boorish: crude, insensitive粗鲁、麻木不仁
Calamitous: disastrous灾难性的
Cerulean: sky blue天蓝色
Comely: attractive有吸引力
Concomitant: accompanying伴随
Didactic: conveying information or moral instruction说教的 , 传达信息或道德指导
Dilatory: causing delay, tardy拖延 , 造成延误 , 迟到
Dowdy: shabby, old-fashioned邋遢 , 破旧 , 古板
Efficacious: producing a desired effect有效的 , 产生预期的效果
Effulgent: brilliantly radiant光彩照人
Endemic: prevalent, native, peculiar to an area地方性的 , 流行的 , 本地的 , 一个地区特有的
Equanimous: even, balanced均衡的 , 平衡的
Execrable: wretched, detestable可怜的 , 可憎的
Fastidious: meticulous, overly delicate一丝不苟 , 过分细腻
Feckless: weak, irresponsible软弱 , 不负责任
Fecund: prolific, inventive多产的 , 有创造力的
Friable: brittle易碎
Fulsome: abundant, overdone, effusive丰富 , 过度 , 热情洋溢
Garrulous: wordy, talkative啰嗦 , 健谈
Guileless: naive天真
Histrionic: affected, theatrical受影响的 , 戏剧性的
Hubristic: proud, excessively self-confident骄傲 , 过分自信
Insidious: subtle, seductive, treacherous阴险的 , 微妙的 , 诱人的 , 奸诈的
Insolent: impudent, contemptuous无理的 , 轻蔑的
Inveterate: habitual, persistent习惯性的 , 执着的
Invidious: resentful, envious, obnoxious怨恨的 , 嫉妒的 , 讨厌的
Irksome: annoying烦人的
【还在用普通的英语形容词吗 普通是形容词吗】Jejune: dull, puerile沉闷 , 幼稚
Judicious: discreet审慎 , 谨慎
Limpid: simple, transparent, serene清澈 , 简单 , 透明 , 宁静
Luminous: clear, shining清澈 , 闪亮
Mendacious: deceptive虚伪的
Munificent: lavish, generous慷慨的
Nefarious: wicked邪恶的
Noxious: harmful, corrupting有害的 , 腐败的
Obtuse: blunt, stupid钝的 , 愚蠢的
Pernicious: injurious, deadly有害的 , 致命的
Pervasive: widespread普遍的
Petulant: rude, ill humored粗鲁的 , 脾气不好的
Querulous: cranky, whining脾气暴躁 , 发牢骚
Quiescent: inactive, untroublesome不活跃的 , 不麻烦的
Recalcitrant: resistant, obstinate顽固
Risible: laughable可笑
Ruminative: contemplative沉思的
Sagacious: wise, discerning睿智的 , 有洞察力的
Salubrious: healthful有益健康
Strident: harsh, discordant刺耳的 , 不和谐的
Taciturn: closemouthed, reticent闭嘴 , 沉默寡言
Tenacious: persistent, cohesive坚持 , 凝聚
Tremulous: nervous, trembling, timid, sensitive紧张 , 颤抖 , 胆小 , 敏感
Trenchant: sharp, penetrating, distinct锋利 , 有穿透力 , 鲜明
Turbulent: restless, tempestuous不安 , 暴躁
Ubiquitous: pervasive, widespread普遍的 , 广泛的
Verdant: green, unripe绿色的 , 未成熟的
Voluble: glib, given to speaking油嘴滑舌 , 善于说话
Voracious: ravenous, insatiable贪婪的 , 贪得无厌的
Zealous: eager, devoted热心的 , 忠诚的
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