多少作业才合适 要多少作业

多少作业才合适 要多少作业

视频加载中...现在的学生对比起以前的学生 , 学业负担变得越来越重 , 有更多的科目要学 , 也就有了更多的作业 。每每提到作业 , 学生们也是叫苦不迭 。在为孩子减轻压力的同时 , 也会有担心成绩会不会受影响 , 究竟多少作业才是最合适的呢?让杜克大学哈里斯·库珀教授来告诉你作业和成绩之间的关系 , 教你科学的计算方式 。
Surveys using national samples show that one in five parents think that their child is getting too much homework.
国家样本研究表明五分之一的家长认为他们的孩子作业太多 。
One in five parents also think their child doesn't get enough homework.
也有五分之一的家长认为他们孩子作业不够多 。
And three in five parents think their homework load is just right.
而剩余的五分之三的家长觉得作业量刚好 。
Typically what teachers will tell you is that homework should follow what's called the ten minute rule.
通常来说 , 老师们会告诉你作业要遵从十分钟原则 。
That means that you take a child grade and you multiply it by ten and that's about how much homework you should be getting each night.
也就是把孩子的年级乘以十就是每晚需要完成的作业量 。
So a second grader would get twenty minutes of homework.
所以一个二年级的学生需要做二十分钟的作业 。
A fourth grader would get 40 minutes of homework.
而四年级的学生则需要做四十分钟的作业 。
If a second grader is bringing home two hours of homework a night that's too much.
如果一个二年级的学生回家要做两个小时的作业 , 那就太多了 。
And people shouldn't expect great changes in achievement based upon the homework that's given to young children.
大家也不应期望孩子们完成作业后成绩就会很好 。
Many people remember doing spelling tests on a Thursday night and then going and taking the test at school on Friday and that's really the kind of thing that for young children is most appropriate.
许多人还会想起周四晚上要默写 , 周五学校要考试 , 这对于孩子们来说最寻常不过的了 。
It's also the case that homework does more for kids than just improve achievement.
这也说明了作业对于孩子来说不仅仅是提高成绩 。
【多少作业才合适 要多少作业】It teaches them that they learn things not only in school, they learn at home as well.
作业让他们知道在学校和家里都要学习 。
And it gives parents an opportunity to express the importance of Education, and also to see how well their child is doing in school.
这同时让家长有机会表达教育的重要性 , 也可以看到孩子们在学校的表现 。
Sometimes parents don't realize that their child is struggling at math or even has a learning disability.
有时家长们意识不到孩子数学不好 , 甚至有学习障碍 。
And it's homework that helps parents understand how well their child is doing.
作业就可以帮家长来了解孩子们的表现 。
It also creates a bond hopefully a positive bond between parents and teachers.
这也建立了一个纽带 , 就是期望家长和老师之间有一个积极的关系 。
So that they recognize that they are team helping their child learn as much as possible and optimize their academic performance.
这样他们能认识到 , 他们是一个团队 , 能够帮助孩子们学习得更多知识 , 提高成绩 。

