哪些形容词常和单词year搭配使用 year的形容词形式

哪些形容词常和单词year搭配使用 year的形容词形式


But in Minneapolis, even in a bad year, the economy was doing just fine.
但在明尼阿波利斯,即使在糟糕的一年,经济也做得很好 。

Thermo is having a bad year, and its shares have dropped 67% since January.
Thermo今年的情况很糟糕,自1月份以来,其股价已经下跌了67% 。

Central Europe has a hard year ahead.
中欧未来的一年很艰难 。

The company recovered well after going through several lean years.
这家公司在经历了几年的不景气后恢复得很好 。

Profits from those investments improved the performance of an otherwise poor year.
这些投资的利润改善了原本不佳的一年的业绩 。

2010 was a tough year for home owners.
2010年对业主来说是艰难的一年 。

While final root cause analysis is in progress, this issue appears to be due to a time calculation that was incorrect for the leap year.
虽然最终的根本原因分析正在进行中,但这个问题似乎是由于闰年的时间计算不正确造成的 。

The students return in October for the start of the new academic year.
10月学生返校,开始新学年的学习 。

The school year is divided into three trimesters.
学年分为三个学期 。

He transferred to UCLA after his freshman year.
他在大一学年结束后转学到加州大学洛杉矶分校 。

Adelman's inspiration came in 2006, during her junior year at the University of North Carolina.
阿德尔曼的灵感来自于2006年,在北卡罗来纳大学读大三的时候 。

During her senior year, Wei mentioned all this to Mark Lin, a mutual friend.
在大四的时候,魏建国向共同的朋友Mark Lin提到了这一切 。

But in his sophomore year, 1974, he made a stunning comeback with a return of 120%.
但在1974年大二时,他以120%的回报率惊险复出 。

He was on a gap year before going to university.
上大学前,他正处于空档期 。

The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year.
公司在上一个财政年度出现巨额亏损 。

They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.
他们准备在下一个财政年度削减联邦预算赤字 。

To claim your refund for the 2009 tax year, your return must be postmarked no later than April 15, 2013

Is Washington serving up more candy for the electorate in an election year again?
【哪些形容词常和单词year搭配使用 year的形容词形式】华盛顿是否又在选举年为选民送上更多糖果?

He spent his sabbatical year doing research in Moscow.
他的休假年在莫斯科做研究 。

The Cardinals were 88-74 in Matheny's rookie year.
红雀队在马特尼的新秀年中以88-74的比分获胜 。

The new range puts us light years ahead of the competition.
新的系列使我们在竞争中领先了很多年 。

You can buy strawberries all year round, but at a price.
你一年四季都可以买到草莓,但价格不菲 。

The pass is kept open all year.
通行证全年都保持开放 。

In Latin America, he expects more mixed results but hopes to see double-digit growth in an average year.
在拉丁美洲,他预计会有更多喜忧参半的结果,但希望在平均的一年内看到两位数的增长 。

It is the latest overseas acquisition by a Japanese company in a bumper year for such deals.
这是一家日本公司在此类交易丰收的一年中进行的最新海外收购 。

Whether or not it picks a climatic word as an emblem of the bygone year, it is hard to see the society choosing anything upbeat.
无论它是否选择一个气候词作为过去一年的标志,很难看到社会选择任何乐观的东西 。

There was the headmaster, all the masters and mistresses from our school, and from the other schoolhouses where she had taught in bygone years.
有校长,有我们学校的所有师长,也有她昔年教过的其他学堂的师长 。

In the centenary year of his birth, several are devoted to one of the most accomplished Scottish painters of the century, William Gillies.
在他的百年诞辰之际,有几位致力于本世纪最有成就的苏格兰画家之一,威廉-吉利斯 。

Last year was something of an off year for Calipari.
去年对卡利帕里来说是个不顺心的年份 。

He soon realized that a lot had changed in the intervening years.
他很快就意识到,这几年来发生了很多变化 。

In the early years, the business was run on a shoestring
早年,公司的业务是在微薄的开支下进行的 。

In his later years, he drifted away from politics.
在晚年时,他与政治渐行渐远 。

The popular image of these late years may be of crusty and decrepit ancients.
这几年的流行形象可能是顽固和衰老的古人 。

Maasai warriors in their late teenage years, twenties and early thirties are called murran.
十几岁的青少年末期、二十几岁和三十出头的马赛战士被称为穆兰 。

In his college years, he studied music theory.
在大学时代,他学习音乐理论 。

After Polish troops seized Vilnius (then called Wilno) in 1920, the pair spent the inter-war years in a stony fury.
1920年波兰军队占领维尔纽斯(当时名为威尔诺)后,两国在两次世界大战之间的那几年都怒气冲天 。

With a different emphasis, Mr Cooper devotes as much attention to the pre-war and post-war years.
库珀先生以不同的侧重点,对战前和战后的岁月给予了同样多的关注 。

The children spent the war years with relatives.
孩子们与亲戚们一起度过了战争年代 。

Her father's death impacted greatly on her childhood years.
她父亲的去世对她的童年岁月产生了很大的影响 。

The early years of fear and hostility left a deep scar on the young boy.
早年的恐惧和敌意给这个小男孩留下了深深的伤痕 。

She was born in Barbados but spent her formative years growing up in Miami.
她出生在巴巴多斯,但在迈阿密度过了成长的岁月 。

She was born in Spain but spent her formative years in Italy.
她出生在西班牙,但在意大利度过了她的成长岁月 。

Marker's own patience and value orientation can be traced back to his teen years in Portland.
马克尔自己的耐心和价值取向可以追溯到他在波特兰的少年时代 。

But in my teenage years I was on a warpath, with one goal in mind: SHOCK AND AWE!

This follows an earlier ruling in a federal court that only the father could speak for a boy of such tender years.
此前联邦法院曾作出裁决,只有父亲才能为这样一个处在稚嫩年纪的男孩说话 。

That was probably an accurate statement last time Brown was editing a weekly magazine, in the closing years of the 20th century.
这可能是一个准确的说法,上次布朗在20世纪的最后几年编辑一本周刊杂志时,在20世纪的最后几年 。

Prospects for the coming year look bright.
来年的前景看起来很光明 。

The Cup was won for the third consecutive year by the Toronto Maple Leafs.
多伦多枫叶队连续第三年获得杯赛冠军 。

The company's revenue had fallen in three consecutive years before registering a small gain last year.
该公司的收入已经连续三年下降,去年才有小幅增长 。

Unsurprisingly, they are the worst for Greece, whose economy is now expected to contract for four successive years.
不出所料,它们对希腊来说是最糟糕的,希腊的经济现在预计将连续四年收缩 。

Jackson was the winner for a second successive year.
杰克逊连续两年成为冠军 。

It has been a critical year for economic policymaking and we have made significant progress.
对于经济决策来说,这是关键的一年,我们已经取得了重大进展 。

This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular.
对于你们的人际关系,尤其是你们的爱情生活来说,今年是至关重要的一年 。

