情态动词看着好容易 情态动词

情态动词看着好容易 情态动词

情态动词 modal verb 表示讲话人的语气 。
很容易和汉语对应,貌似很好理解 。但让人疑惑的是,明明是懂情态动词的,但在阅读中理解起情态动词来却总是不准确,考试中也莫名丢分 。今天我们就来扫扫情态动词中那些角落里的盲点吧 。
Can I help you ? 需要我帮你吗?
Could you pass me the salt?
Will you tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop?
Would you tell me your telephone number?
Shall we talk? 我们谈谈,行吗?
What should we do next? 那么我们接下来该怎么做呢?
May I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗?
Might I take a look at your work? 我可以看看您的作品吗?

总结:情态动词中 could,would, should, might 表示请求时都比can, will,
shall,may 语气更委婉,更客气些 。

1.will 和would 做情态动词时可以表示“预测” “习惯性”

I think he will be all right now.
我想他现在一定好了 。
He will stay there hour after hour looking at the star.
他经常呆在那里一连几个小时看星星 。
He would go to the bookstore every afternoon during the days when he lost his job.
在没有工作的那段时间他每个下午都去书店 。
It would be about 11 pm when he came back.
他回来那会儿大概晚上11点 。(预测)

2.will 表示“愿意”

If he will, he can do it well.
如果他愿意的话,他会做得很好 。
You may come at any time if you will.
如果你愿意的话,你可以随时来 。

3.shall 用于第二和第三人称时表示“警告”( 表示按规章,制度,法律条文等应该或必须做),或者“威胁”
Each student shall wear uniform during school days .
每个学生在学校期间都必须穿校服 。
The new rules shall take effect on Jan. 1st.
新规定在1月1日会生效 。
You shall be punished if you don't take my orders.
不听我命令的话你一定会受到惩罚的 。(威胁)

4.must not 表示 “禁止” “不准”
Smoking must not be allowed here. 这里不准抽烟 。

5.can 表示“能够” 指体力,技能上达到... 能力;be able to 指经过努力能够做到
She can't carry the box of books, but she is able to shoulder his son of equal weight.
她搬不动那箱书(体力上达不到),但是她却能背起同样重量的儿子(经过努力能做到) 。

6. can 在疑问,否定句中表示“怀疑”,“惊讶”等感情色彩,不翻译成“能” 。
I can't believe it. 我真不敢相信 。
Can it be ture? 那是真的吗?

7.may 用于祈使句,表示“祝愿”,“祝福”
May you succeed! 祝你成功!
8.can not ...too... 表示“无论...也不过分”,“再...也不为过”
You can not be too careful.
你再怎么小心都不为过 。
A man can never read too many books.
一个人读书再多都不为过 。
A woman can never have too many shoes.
女人永远不会嫌鞋多 。

9.can not...but + to do 表示“不得不”,“只好”
I can not but admire your determination.
我不得不佩服你的决心 。

情态动词+have done 的用法
1.can/could have done 表示 本来可以做但实际没做
He could have passed the test, but he didn't try his best.
他本可以通过测试,但是他没尽力 。
can't /couldn't have done 表示 “想必没有”
He can 't have got the driving lisence.
他一定没有拿到驾照 。

2.must have done 表示“想必一定”
You must have heard about this legend.
想必你一定听说过这个传说 。

3.should have done 表示“本应该做”但实际没做
They should have finished this project by six.
他们本应该在六点的时候就完成这个项目 。
shouldn't have done 表示“本不应该做”但实际上做了
You shouldn't have given my cat too much meat.
你本不该给我的猫那么多肉 。

4.needn't have done 表示“本不必要做”,但是做了

You needn't have washed your car as it is about to rain.
你本不必洗车,因为马上要下雨了 。
~So, that's it. Bye~

May you have a prosperous and happy life!
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【情态动词看着好容易 情态动词】

