


All newly constructed competition venues for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games have a post-Games utilization plan. Such top-level venues will continue to host domestic and international competitions and will also be open to the public after the Winter Games. All season operation plan is also in place for the venues in the suburbs of Beijing. During the spring, summer and autumn, outdoor activities including running, mountain biking and mountain climbing will be set.
北京冬奥会新建的全部场馆都制定了赛后利用计划 。 北京冬奥会的竞赛场馆都是世界一流的场馆 , 赛后将继续申办举办高水平的国际赛事和国内赛事 。 除了竞技比赛外 , 场馆将向社会大众体育健身提供服务 。 在山区山地场馆的规划建设中 , 从赛区整体出发 , 充分考虑了春、夏、秋三季运营的问题 , 利用赛区的人文历史和自然生态优势 , 建立户外运动项目 , 比如健身跑、山地自行车、登山攀岩等 。


An IOC expert team of 23 members conducted pre-competition inspection of Shougang Big Air on Thursday. This is the final stage of the IOC's review of the competition venue for free style skiing and snowboarding events. The IOC experts were very satisfied with the venue after a three-hour inspection, saying that they believe the venue will provide a great experience to both athletes and spectators.The inspection covered 12 areas including infrastructure, public health, technology, power and signage.
1月13日 , 国际奥委会一行23人前来首钢滑雪大跳台进行赛前考察 , 这是国际奥委会对大跳台场馆设施整合及就绪情况的最后阶段审议 。 近三个小时的考察让国际奥委会专家组对大跳台的各项工作非常满意 。 国际奥委会专家在考察后表示 , 相信大跳台这座场馆会为北京冬奥带来更优的参赛观赛体验 。 此次考察共涉及基础设施、公共卫生、技术、电力、引导标识等12个业务领域 。
By the end of 2021, the number of A-share listed companies in Beijing has reached 424, with a total market value of 20.14 trillion yuan, ranking first in China. Companies in sectors like software and information technology services, computer, telecommunication, electronic equipment manufacturing and pharmaceutical manufacturing became the main force of newly listed companies in Beijing last year.
截至2021年12月31日 , 北京A股上市企业数量达到424家 , 总市值20.14万亿元 , 排名全国第一 。 软件和信息技术服务业 , 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业 , 医药制造业 , 这三大行业 , 成为去年北京新上市企业的主力军 。


In 2021, Beijing launched three large-scale digital Renminbi pilot activities, covering 403,000 scenarios and achieving a transaction value of 9.6 billion yuan. More than 98% of ATMs in the city can accept foreign currency bank cards for cash withdrawal at present. The digital Renminbi service is also available in all seven Winter Olympics scenarios.
2021年北京开展的三场大型数字人民币试点活动 , 落地场景40.3万个 , 交易金额达96亿元 。 全市98%以上ATM可受理外币银行卡取现 。 数字人民币冬奥场景试点稳妥推进 , 实现七大场景全覆盖 。

