and|新建冬奥场馆全部制定场馆赛后利用计划、( 二 )



The award ceremony of the Beijing leg of the 10th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was held in the capital on Thursday. It attracted over 700 companies to compete in four business sectors, such as new generation information technology, biomedicine, high-end equipment manufacturing & new energy vehicles, new materials & new energy conservation & environmental protection. 60 projects were awarded the first, second and third prizes in Beijing. 24 companies also won prizes in the national level competition.
第十届中国创新创业大赛北京赛区颁奖礼1月13日举办 。 本届大赛共吸引北京地区700多家创新创业企业报名参赛 , 新一代信息技术、生物医药、高端装备制造及新能源汽车、新材料新能源节能环保4个行业赛 , 最终评选出一、二、三等奖获奖项目60项 。 推荐32家获奖企业入围全国赛 , 24家企业获得全国赛奖项 。
养老机构虐老 责任人“行业禁入”


According to the recently implemented supervision regulation of elderly care institution, the professional and technical personnel engaged in medical care, rehabilitation and fire management should have professional qualifications. Personnel providing care need to receive vocational training and pass an evaluation before taking the job. Elderly care institutions will be severely punished for cheating and abusing the elderly or committing other acts that violate the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly. Individuals responsible will be banned from entering the industry.
近日实施的《北京市养老机构综合监管暂行办法》办法提出 , 养老机构中从事医疗护理、康复治疗、消防管理等的专业技术人员应具备相应职业资格;从事养老护理的人员上岗前应接受职业技能培训 , 合格后方可上岗 。 依法依规从严惩处养老机构欺老、虐老等侵害老年人合法权益的行为 , 对相关责任人实施行业禁入措施 。
A large-scale vocational training project was launched in Beijing on Thursday. It aims to train 10,000 people in 2022 in two professions that are in high demand: new energy vehicle assembly and maintenance and industrial robotics system operation and maintenance. Since 2015, Beijing has taken the lead in piloting the new apprenticeship system for enterprises across the country, which encourages vocational institutions and companies to work together in training new staff. So far, the capital has trained more than 30,000 apprentices since the new model was fully implemented in 2019.
“中国特色企业新型学徒制”万人培训开班仪式近日举行 。 培训以北京奔驰汽车有限公司为主体 , 为期一年 , 培训重点面向两个本市急需紧缺工种 , 分别是新能源汽车装调和维修、工业机器人系统操作与运维 , 这也是为新能源汽车产业转型储备技能人才 , 预计全市将培训近万人 。 2015年起 , 北京率先在全国试点企业新型学徒制 , 并在2019年全面推行 。 至今 , 全市已累计培养学徒3万余人 。


In 2021, Beijing issued the detailed funding policy of bookstores for the first time. The plan details operation time, scope, number and types of books on sale. A total of 272 bookstores received financial support from the fund last year. 66% of them had more than half of their annual sales volume generated from publications; 17 of them are open for more than 12 hours daily, accounting for 17% of the total.

