Winter|冬奥村预开村 迎接代表团先遣人员、首都万名大学生志愿者奔赴冬奥......( 二 )

朝阳区是北京冬奥会、冬残奥会的主承载区 , 坐落着多个场馆、交通场站、服务保障酒店以及指挥部 。 目前 , 1200人的医护防团队已陆续进驻80余点位 , 场馆周边还新增了4个方舱实验室 , 赛时检测能力达到每天4万管核酸检测样本 。
"China Winter Olympic Games," a book about the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, was officially released in Beijing on Jan 23. The author Sun Jingyan used five years to interview over 200 domestic and foreign experts related to the Winter Games. She documented the challenges and achievements in the preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympics and recorded the process of preparing for the Games in terms of high-tech, people, environmental protection and frugality.
全景式记录北京2022年冬奥会的长篇纪实文学《中国冬奥》1月23日在京宣布正式发行 , 女作家孙晶岩历时五年 , 深度采访了国内外二百多位与冬奥运动相关人员 , 全面写出了北京冬奥会和冬残奥会从酝酿到场馆建设工程中的艰辛、挑战和成就 , 记录了北京这座“双奥之城”携同张家口崇礼在2022年冬奥会中科技奥运、人文奥运、环保奥运、节俭奥运的闪光历程 。
Winter|冬奥村预开村 迎接代表团先遣人员、首都万名大学生志愿者奔赴冬奥......

Themed the Beijing Winter Olympics and spring festival, Beijing municipal parks and China Garden Museum have completed landscaping ahead of the upcoming festival. 64 themed landscapes have been designed, hanging up over 20,000 red lanterns. Nearly 1000 Chinese knots, over 1000 flags and more than 600 display boards are decorating the parks. The Chinese character “Fu” which means luck, and the Chinese zodiac animals are also part of the decorations creating a festive atmosphere.
北京市属公园及中国园林博物馆围绕喜迎北京冬奥会和“福满京城 春贺神州”春节主题的节日游园环境布置工作已经完成 。 共设置迎新春、迎冬奥主题小品景观64处 , 悬挂红灯笼2万余个、中国结近1000个 , 布置道旗、彩旗1000余面 , 展板600余块 , 还用“福”字、生肖吉祥物等装点环境 , 营造欢乐祥和、喜庆安宁的节日氛围 。
颐和园首开雪场 , 48条雪道为游客带来“雪上飞”的新奇体验
Winter|冬奥村预开村 迎接代表团先遣人员、首都万名大学生志愿者奔赴冬奥......

The Summer Palace ski resort officially opened on Jan 23 and will be open until Feb 15. It’s the first snow entertainment project in the Summer Palace. The ski resort covers an area of 20,000 square meters. It has snow tubing slides, dog sleighs and other amusement rides. There are 48 snow tubing slides, 6 meters high, making them the largest in Beijing.
1月23日 , 颐和园雪场正式开启 , 这是颐和园首次设置雪上娱乐项目 。 雪场开放到2月15号 。 颐和园雪场面积约2万平方米 。 雪场设雪圈滑道、雪上滑梯、雪地篮球、电动狗拉雪橇等项目 。 其中雪圈滑道高6米 , 共设48条雪道 , 是全市最大的雪圈滑道 , 站在雪道最高处可以一览昆明湖全貌 。
北京升级进口国际快件防控 邮件处理场所每4小时消毒一次
Beijing has upgraded Covid-19 prevention and control measures for international express mail and packages. The Beijing Municipal Postal Administration requires that in strict accordance with the relevant standards and guidelines of local epidemic prevention and control departments, all express delivery companies shall carry out full-disinfection of the outer packaging of mail items one by one as soon as possible. Mail processing facilities should be fully disinfected every 4 hours, and the transportation vehicles should be disinfected at least once in the morning and once in the evening. Employees who have direct contact with international mail should have at least 2 nucleic acid tests a week.

