Winter|冬奥村预开村 迎接代表团先遣人员、首都万名大学生志愿者奔赴冬奥......

Winter|冬奥村预开村 迎接代表团先遣人员、首都万名大学生志愿者奔赴冬奥......

北京海关所属亦庄海关关员对冬残奥会火炬进行查检 。 欧俊涛/摄
The materials for the torch relay of Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics were successfully shipped from Beijing Capital International Airport on Jan 23 and will be transported to Mandeville, England, the birthplace of the Paralympic Games. The materials include torches and fuel tanks, flags and torchbearers’ uniforms. They will be used to collect the fire for the Paralympic Games.
1月23日 , 北京冬残奥会火炬接力物资从北京首都国际机场顺利启运 , 将运至残奥会发源地英国曼德维尔 , 用于采集北京冬残奥会圣火 。 据了解 , 该批物资包括火炬及其燃料罐、仪式火种台、火炬手制服、旗帜等 。
冬奥村预开村 迎接代表团先遣人员
Winter|冬奥村预开村 迎接代表团先遣人员、首都万名大学生志愿者奔赴冬奥......

Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics have three competition zones in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou, so there are three Winter Olympic Villages (Winter Paralympic Villages). The Villages started trial operation on Jan 23 and welcomed the first batch of tenants of over 20 delegations from China, the UK, the United States as well as other countries. Delegates will meet with the operation teams of the Villages to confirm athletes’ qualifications, the number of people staying in each Winter Olympic village and other details to make preparations for the athletes and delegations in advance. The three Villages will officially open on Jan 27 to welcome all delegations and related officials to live there.
北京冬奥会有北京、延庆和张家口三个赛区 , 分设北京、延庆和张家口三个冬奥村 。 三个冬奥村1月23日预开村 , 第一天进村的有中国、英国、美国等20多个代表团的先遣人员 。 先遣人员需要先到北京冬奥村 , 与冬奥村运行团队开最终注册会 , 确认代表团运动员的参赛资格、在每个冬奥村的入住人数等细节 , 为运动员等代表团其他人员进入赛区做好准备 。 1月27号 , 三个冬奥村将正式开村 , 迎接所有代表团的所有运动员及随队官员 。
Winter|冬奥村预开村 迎接代表团先遣人员、首都万名大学生志愿者奔赴冬奥......

14,000 students and teachers from Beijing universities entered the Beijing Winter Olympics venues on Jan 23. As Games volunteers, they will serve athletes and coaches from all over the world during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Beijing universities held different send-off events for their volunteers. For example, Peking University invited Olympic champion Ding Ning to tell her Olympic stories to volunteers. Tsinghua University provided online learning courses and other related Winter sports contents to its volunteers.
1月23日 , 首都高校1万4千名师生入驻冬奥会驻地 , 他们将作为赛会志愿者 , 为出征2022年北京冬奥会的各国运动员、教练员等提供保障服务 。 临行前 , 首都高校纷纷以多种形式为志愿者送行 , 北京大学邀请奥运冠军代表丁宁讲述奥运梦想与奋斗故事 。 清华大学及时给志愿者们提供了专属“加油包” 。
朝阳1200人医护防团队进驻80余点位 , 场馆周边增设方舱实验室
As the main supporting area of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, Chaoyang district has a number of venues, transportation terminals, hotels and headquarters serving the Games. At present, a medical team of 1,200 people entered over 80 service sites in the district. There are 4 new nucleic acid testing labs around the competition venues. During the Games, Covid detection capacity can reach 40,000 samples per day.

