开拓者|键盘侠|嘴哥靠韩国男团粉丝上位 枫叶乔丹终于修成正果??( 二 )

猛龙球迷:简直是跌入了绝情谷底 , 可能再也爬不上来了
[–]BucksNeuroxex 381 points 3 hours ago
I thought I&aposd be mad, but I&aposm not at all. This is genuinely hysterical and the fact that Warriors fans voted for him over Draymond is incredible, I love this
雄鹿球迷:一开始也觉得我会气得要死 , 可最后却心如止水 。 这事确实很滑稽啊 , 勇士球迷给维金斯的投票超过了追梦?简直不可思议 , 这剧情爱了
开拓者|键盘侠|嘴哥靠韩国男团粉丝上位 枫叶乔丹终于修成正果??

[–]WarriorsCtG526 105 points 3 hours ago
I voted Draymond, but I think it works out for us since Draymond has a really good chance to get in as a reserve anyway
勇士球迷:我投了追梦 , 但我觉得这样挺好 , 因为追梦还是有很大几率入选全明星替补
[–]Lakersbackboarddd1_49402 327 points 3 hours ago
I guess we know who’s going to be the last pick among the starters in the All Star Draft
[–]s1mpleGOAT 1736 points 6 hours ago i bet stephs glad he isnt a captain. he’d have to awkwardly pick wiggins #1 LMAO
球迷:我打赌库里很高兴他不是队长 , 要不然他就必须用首轮签选维金斯了 , 那得多尴尬 , 哈哈
[–]Toronto Huskieslogster2001 1467 points 6 hours ago22
Not even Giannis would say that’s a good pick
This might be the first year a captain chooses a bench player before a starter.
[–][UTA] Joe InglesNitroXYZ 408 points 4 hours ago
The fact that he&aposs starting and KAT isn&apost is ridiculous
爵士球迷:嘴哥入选 , 没有唐斯 , 离了个大谱!
[–]sersleepsalot1 68 points 3 hours ago
And over Gobert too?
[–][UTA] Joe InglesNitroXYZ 568 points 4 hours ago
Rudy averages 16/15 on 70% shooting as an elite defender.
KAT averages like 24/10/4 on 52/41/81 shooting splits, Insane efficiency. This is absurd.
Wiggins averages 18/4/2 on 48% shooting as a B tier defender...even on his own team there&aposs a front court player that deserved a starting spot over him. Even the much maligned AD is averaging 22/10 with elite defence.
爵士球迷:戈贝尔场均16分/15板 , 命中率70% , 防守大闸 。 唐斯场均24分/10板/4助攻 , 各项命中率52/41/81 , 效率惊人 。 这太扯了 。 维金斯场均18分/4板/2助攻 , 命中率48% , 二流防守者……甚至是本队的二流防守者 。 有其他前场球员比他更配得上全明星首发 。 就算是饱受诟病的浓眉 , 场均也有22分/10板 , 还有出色的防守 。
[–]HeatDionWaiteress 304 points 3 hours ago
This is like the reverse of that image of the Bugatti in the drive way of that shitty house meme
开拓者|键盘侠|嘴哥靠韩国男团粉丝上位 枫叶乔丹终于修成正果??

[–]NotAn0pinion 139 points 4 hours ago
Look at Kyrie and Klay, played about 6 games combined this season, both looking like they’ll be in
球迷:看看欧文和克莱吧 , 这个赛季一共就打了大概6场球?都差点入选了
[–]SpursJohnnyWinss 566 points 3 hours ago
We&aposre gonna vote Yuta in next year AND YOU&aposLL LIKE IT
马刺球迷:等着 , 明年我们就投渡边雄太 , 你们一定会喜欢的
[–]Jazzsatan_in_high_heels 485 points 3 hours ago

