开拓者|键盘侠|嘴哥靠韩国男团粉丝上位 枫叶乔丹终于修成正果??( 三 )

Zaza Pachulia feeling robbed
[–]Knickssonfoa 130 points 3 hours ago
I&aposm like 90% sure NBA did some numerical manipulation to stop Zaza from getting voted in. I remember he had like 100k more votes than the next guy like a month prior to the ASG and yet still missed it.
尼克斯球迷:我有九成把握NBA当年一定是操控了票数 , 才没让扎扎入选全明星 。 我记得在全明星赛前大概一个月 , 他还比后一位的球员多得了大概10万票 , 但最后还是落选了 。
[–]76ersA_Huggable_Cactus 1556 points 4 hours ago
Mark my words: this will lead to an overhaul of the all-star system and it’s obviously necessary.
What a joke.
76人球迷:记住我的话:这事会导致全明星制度的全面改革 , 而且是势在必行!简直天大的笑话
[–][SAS] Dejounte MurrayOps135 2257 points 4 hours ago
Fan voting shouldn&apost be 50%
[–]Trail Blazerswir_suchen_dich 275 points 4 hours ago
Bro people who treat Covid with pee get to vote think about that.
开拓者球迷:哥们 , 靠喝尿治疗新冠的货都能投票 , 想想吧
[–]WheatonsGonnaScore 1591 points 4 hours ago
Fan voting should be 0%
[–]Sunsbeer_down 1590 points 4 hours ago
He got vaxxed, becomes an all star.
Coincidence? Yes, completely
太阳球迷:他打了疫苗 , 然后成了全明星 。 巧合吗?是啊 , 无巧不成书
[–]SpursJohnnyWinss 387 points 4 hours ago
Eat that Kyrie!
马刺球迷:欧文 , 来!张嘴
[–]Raptorstheblackvincentvega 153 points 4 hours ago*
since AI in 2010. And at least AI was cool.
猛龙球迷:2010年艾弗森之后的最差全明星首发 , 答案至少人比较酷
[–]Nuggetsbigwillystyle93 131 points 3 hours ago
And Al was the best player on his team. Wiggins is literally 4th.
掘金球迷:答案至少是当时球队的当家球星 。 而维金斯 , 球队老四
[–]Suns BandwagonFutures2004 307 points 4 hours ago
Most popular 4th option
[–][NBA] Best of 2021 Winnerurfaselol 2353 points 2 hours ago
K-Pop fans did it
[–]BullsKanye_Wezt 649 points 2 hours ago
I’m ootl. What does he have to do with kpop
公牛粉丝:问号脸 , 维金斯和韩国流行音乐有啥关系?
[–]Warriorssumchinesewill 2287 points 2 hours ago*
Kpop singer BamBam — a member of the popular South Korean boy band GOT7 is a huge fan of the Warriors and especially Wiggins. He was promoting Wiggins to be an all star and went to his social media account to ask his fans to vote him in.
edit: people have informed me that BamBam is an official ambassador for the Warriors so not just a fan.
勇士球迷:韩国流行音乐歌手BamBam——韩国男团GOT7的成员 , 是勇士队尤其是维金斯的铁粉 。 他一直在为维金斯进全明星拉票 , 在社交媒体账户上呼吁自己的粉丝给维金斯投票 。
PS:有人告诉我BamBam是勇士队官方的全球大使 , 不仅仅是粉丝 。
[–]Clippersvanotro 95 points 3 hours ago
1.4M likes, LOL
快船球迷:点赞140万 , 笑死
开拓者|键盘侠|嘴哥靠韩国男团粉丝上位 枫叶乔丹终于修成正果??

[–]Bullsphilphan25 86 points 2 hours ago
Why couldn’t he have been a fan of Ben Simmons?
[–]SupersonicsTheMightyMegalodon 80 points 2 hours ago
Because to be a fan of a player, you usually have to see them play from time to time.

