CBA|火炬接力开始!一图速览“飞扬”接力路线( 二 )


Ye Peijian, a 77-year-old torchbearer, technical advisor at the Chinese Academy of Space Technology and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said excitedly: “Beijing is the only city to host both the Summer and Winter Games and the whole world is turning attention to Beijing again. I can’t help but think of the day when I was overseas and learned about the news that the People’s Republic of China participated in the Olympic Games for the first time in 1984. I’m thrilled to see China has grown rapidly and become prosperous. I want to show the spirit of China’s space industry.”
今年77岁的火炬手 , 中国空间技术研究院技术顾问、中国科学院院士叶培建激动地说:“北京成为双奥之城 , 全世界再次聚焦中国 。 我不由得想到1984年 , 我在国外得知中国奥运金牌‘零的突破’ 。 国家的繁荣富强令我感慨万分 , 无比振奋 。 我要跑出精神、跑出我们航天人不懈奋斗的精神来 。 ”
The Beijing Olympic Park is a site on the Central Axis of Beijing where the cultural heritage of this ancient capital city converges with the Olympic spirit and where you can see the results of vigorous development of the Olympic movement in the city. The total distance of the torch relay in the park is 10.6 kilometres. The route starts from the South Gate Square of the Beijing Olympic Forest Park (South Park), passes through the Yuyan Tower in the North Park, the “Clean Olympic Games” Sculpture, and the “Together for Glory” sculpture, and ends at the Olympic Manifesto Plaza.
北京奥林匹克森林公园位于北京市中轴线北端 , 点位寓意古都历史文化和奥林匹克精神在北京中轴线上的交汇 。 奥林匹克公园场次传递的距离共计10.6公里 , 整体传递路线是从奥森公园南园南门广场出发 , 经奥森公园北园雨燕塔、廉洁奥运赋雕塑、共铸辉煌雕塑等标志性景观 , 到达奥林匹克宣言广场收火 。


奥林匹克森林公园 , 市民欢迎火炬接力队伍
According to the previously released torch relay plan, the torch relay of the Olympic Winter Games will be held in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou from 2-4 February . About 1,200 torchbearers from all walks of life will participate in the Olympic torch relay. Most of them are frontline workers and ordinary people who have made extraordinary contributions to the world. Among them, the oldest is 86 years old, the youngest is 14 years old, and 57% are frontline workers. There are also foreigners from more than 20 countries and regions among the torchbearers. The torch relay within the closed loop started at the South Park of the Beijing Olympic Forest Park at 10:30 on 4 February.
根据此前发布的火炬传递方案 , 北京冬奥会火炬传递将于2月2日至4日 , 在北京、延庆、张家口三个赛区进行 。 来自各行各业的约1200名火炬手将参与火炬传递 , 他们大部分是扎根生产和工作一线、有突出贡献的“不平凡的普通人” 。 其中 , 年龄最大的86岁、最小的14岁 , 生产和工作一线代表占57% 。 在火炬手中 , 还有来自20多个国家和地区的国际友人 。 2月4日10时30分 , 将在北京奥林匹克森林公园南园举行闭环内火炬传递 。


