上半场比赛落后 , 下半场绝杀反超 , 你永远可以相信中国姑娘!
刚刚 , 中国女足3:2逆转韩国女足夺得亚洲杯决赛冠军!!!
AFC Women's Asian Cup 2022 scores, schedule, live stream: China vs. South Korea in Sunday's final
Who will capture the 2022 AFC Women's Asian Cup title?
表示“赢得;获得 , 取得” , 英文解释为“to succeed in getting something when you are competing with other people”举个??:
They captured 80 percent of the vote.
他们获得了80%的选票 。
Asian Football Confederation的缩写 , 亚洲足球联合会(简称亚协或亚足联) , 是负责管理亚洲区足球事务的体育组织 , 举办各项国家级及俱乐部级赛事 , 包括协助国际足联举行世界杯预选赛及四年一度的亚洲杯 。
作名词 , 熟词僻义 , 表示“(竞赛、体育比赛的)冠军” , 英文解释为“[C] the position of being the winner of a competition, especially a sports competition”如:the world heavyweight title 重量级世界拳击冠军 。
The 2022 AFC Asian Women's Cup now has its two finalists to compete for the title and four of its five qualifying spots for the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup confirmed. China and South Korea will meet in the cup final on Sunday, while a three-team round robin style playoff continues for the fifth and final World Cup qualifying spot. The tournament is hosted in India, and fans can watch the entire 2022 AFC Women's Cup on Paramount+.
2022年女足亚洲杯有两支队伍进入决赛争夺冠军 , 2023年国际足联女足世界杯五个参赛资格的四席已经确定 。 中国和韩国将在周日的亚洲杯决赛中相遇 , 而接下来将进行为争夺第五个也是最后一个世界杯参赛资格的三队循环附加赛 。 比赛在印度举行 , 球迷们可以在Paramount+上观看整个2022年亚足联女足亚洲杯比赛 。
表示“入围决赛者 , 决赛选手” , 英文解释为“a person or group competing in a final” 。
1)表示“(使)具有资格 , (使)合格” , 英文解释为“to successfully finish a training course so that you are able to do a job; to have or achieve the necessary skills, etc.”举个??:
She hopes to qualify (as a teacher) at the end of the year.
她希望在年底获得(教师)资格 。
??电影《合伙人》(The Company Men)中的台词提到:只靠我的薪水我们不可能再成功申请房贷 We're not going to be able to qualify for another house on just my salary.
2)表示“达标;获得参赛资格” , 英文解释为“to be of a high enough standard to enter a competition; to defeat another person or team in order to enter or continue in a competition”举个??:
He failed to qualify.
他未能获得参赛资格 。
表示“排名位置” , 英文解释为“a position in a competition or an event” , 如:two teams battling for top spot 争夺冠军地位的两个队 。
round robin
表示“循环赛” , 英文解释为“a competition in which all the players play against each other at least once”
表示“(平局后的)加时赛 , 延长赛 , 加赛” , 英文解释为“an extra game or period of play in a competition played between teams or competitors who both have the same number of points, in order to decide who wins the competition”
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