even|这届冬奥会上的人造雪,融化后还能用来……( 二 )


Cooled water and compressed air are mixed in the snow cannon and shot out into water droplets at an angle. With the help of low temperatures, these droplets will become ice crystals. There are totally nine types of snow made by snow machines, with different water content. The smaller type number is closer to powder snow. The larger number means the snow is wetter. Drier snow is used in the daytime, while No. 7 or No. 8 snow is used during the nighttime with over minus 20 degrees Celsius. The use of different types of snow is factored in what's needed for each sport.
冷却的水和压缩空气在造雪机中混合后倾斜喷射到水滴中 。 在低温作用下 , 这些水滴就会凝结成冰晶 。 依据水质的不同 , 造雪机一共可以造出9种雪 。 编号数字越小 , 越接近粉状雪 。 编号数字越大 , 说明雪的湿度越大 。 比较干的雪在白天使用 , 而7号和8号雪在气温零下20度以上的夜间使用 。 具体使用哪种类型的雪 , 要由各种运动项目的需求而定 。
"In most cases, No. 5 snow is used," revealed Wei Qinghua, mountain operation manager of the Zhangjiakou Guyangshu venue cluster for Beijing 2022.
北京2022年冬奥会张家口赛区古杨树场馆群的运行场地经理魏庆华透露说:“大多数情况下都使用5号雪 。 ”
On November 7, during the preparation for the Games, Chongli District in Zhangjiakou saw its first snowfall this winter. But the 20-centimeter-thick snow was cleaned up, because it would be more dangerous to use natural snow as it falls off more easily and brings safety risks. The snow machines work round the clock, so the staff work in three shifts.
11月7日 , 在冬奥会筹备期间 , 张家口崇礼区降下了这个冬天的第一场雪 。 但是20厘米厚的天然雪都被清理掉了 , 因为使用天然雪更危险 , 原因是天然雪更容易塌陷 , 会造成安全隐患 。 造雪机昼夜不停地工作 , 工作人员也是三班倒 。
However, there are concerns regarding the environmental hazards of using so much water for snow-making. The snow machines at Beijing 2022 have completely used renewable energy since the beginning of snow production.
然而 , 有人担心使用这么多水来造雪会危害环境 。 其实 , 从一开始 ,北京2022年冬奥会的造雪机使用的就全都是可再生能源 。
"Water used for snow-making only comes from rainfall and surface runoff, and it can be recycled," Wei pointed out. "For water from melted snow, we have a reservoir and two lakes which can store it so that it can then be used for agriculture, irrigation, tourism and landscaping."
魏庆华指出:“造雪只用来自降雨和地表径流的水 , 而且这些水都是可循环利用的 。雪融化后变成的水会流入一个水库和两个湖储存起来 , 这样以后还可以用于农业、灌溉、旅游业和景观美化 。 ”
来源:中国日报 新华网 光明网

