
滑雪运动员们能在冬奥雪场上顺利做出各种高难度动作 , 这背后有一个默默无闻的功臣 , 那就是人造雪 。 本届冬奥会的人造雪质量稳定 , 无毒无害 , 获得了多位运动员及官员的好评 , 更有运动员表示“这是迄今为止滑过的最好的人造雪” 。

Beijing normally doesn't have much snow in winter, so artificial snow is being used at venues for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, with the quality of the white snow drawing praise from many athletes, and even officials. Artificial snow gives the courses a better and more stable quality.
北京的冬天一般降雪量不大 , 因此北京2022年冬奥会的比赛场地使用了人造雪 , 这些洁白的人造雪的质量获得了许多运动员和官员的称赞 。 人造雪给比赛现场带来了更好更稳定的质感 。
" This is by far the best man-made snow I've ever skied on," American freestyle skier Ashley Caldwell said at a press conference.
美国自由式滑雪运动员阿什利·考德威尔在一次新闻发布会上表示:“ 这是我迄今为止滑过的最好的人造雪 。 ”
After receiving feedback from many athletes through the training period and first days of competition, Kit McConnell, sports director of the International Olympic Committee, said the participants believe the artificial snow is outstanding.
国际奥委会体育总监基特·麦康奈尔在训练期间和比赛前期收集许多运动员的反馈后表示 , 运动员认为这些人造雪非常出色 。
"The focus is on doing this in a sustainable way, and also ensuring the athletes have an outstanding field of play on which to compete at the Olympic level," McConnell said.
麦康奈尔称:“主办方致力于用可持续的方式来生产人造雪 , 同时确保运动员拥有奥运竞技所需的绝佳比赛场地 。 ”
Athletes have told Bernhard Russi, chairman of the International Ski Federation's alpine committee, that the man-made snow was easy to ski on.
运动员们告诉国际滑雪联合会高山滑雪委员会主席伯恩哈德·鲁西说 , 在这些人造雪上滑雪很轻松 。
Russi, also a former Swiss World Cup alpine ski racer and one of the course designers of the Yanqing National Alpine Skiing Center in Beijing: "I think for the skiers it's just like paradise. In order to have a perfect course for alpine racing, you need man-made snow to get the quality right – compact snow for the power which these racers are able to put down on the snow".
鲁西告诉说:“我认为对于滑雪运动员来说 , 在这种人造雪上滑行就像在天堂一样美妙 。 ”鲁西曾经是瑞士高山滑雪运动员 , 也是北京延庆国家高山滑雪中心的赛道设计者之一 。“为了营造出适合高山滑雪比赛的完美赛道 , 你需要使用人造雪来保证赛道质量——雪必须十分密实 , 能承受运动员对雪地的压力 。 ”
Although sometimes mixed with natural snow, artificial snow has mostly been used in competitions in the past five to 10 years, he added.
鲁西补充道 , 尽管有时雪场上也混杂了天然降雪 , 但是过去五到十年来滑雪比赛中用的大多是人造雪 。
Snow-making machines were first deployed at the Lake Placid 1980 Winter Olympics in the United States. At Sochi 2014 in Russia, 80 percent of the snow was artificial, and the figure was 90 percent at Pyeongchang 2018 in South Korea.
1980年美国普莱西德湖冬季奥运会首次配置了造雪机 。 2014年在俄罗斯索契冬奥会上 , 赛场上80%的雪都是人造的 , 到了2018年的韩国平昌冬奥会这一数字达到了90% 。

