詹姆斯·哈登|哈登费城第二战引发美网友热议 大呼登哥真香

詹姆斯·哈登|哈登费城第二战引发美网友热议 大呼登哥真香

北京时间2月28日凌晨2点 , NBA常规赛费城76人以125-109战胜纽约尼克斯 , 而这也是被交易到新球队的詹姆斯哈登第二场比赛 , 砍下了2-+10+16助攻的大号三双数据 , 而这场比赛不仅引发了国内外NBA球迷的热议 , 一起来看看76人VS尼克斯的Reddit球迷的一些有意思的评论吧!

Absolute masterclass from James HARDEN
詹姆斯哈登 , 毫无疑问是一位大师
Casually took a back seat to Embiid at times and facilitated
Took over at times and just single handily got us buckets to turn the tide
Some big steals
He is just on another level
空闲时他辅佐帝王 , 委身在大帝的身后 , 谈笑间送上助攻
危难时挺身而出 , 一马当先直捣黄龙 , 扭转乾坤取胜
I don't think I've ever seen our offense look so competent with Embiid on the bench.
我以前不敢相信恩比德休息的时候 , 球队的进攻还能这么流畅
guy is a fucking genius. i dont care if we gonna pay super super max to harden at the age of 38 bro hes just one of the best players to ever play easily top 50
他真是个天才 , 快给哈登送上超级加倍的顶薪 , 就算到了38岁的时候他也是联盟排行前50的球员
remember when ben simmons stans called him ball hog? (last season tho not this season they were a legit arguments about giving ben simmons for harden when he was in houston)
你们记得哈登还在火箭的时候 , 球队说拿西蒙斯换哈登的时候 , 西蒙斯球迷说哈登是个球霸这事吗?
I don’t know how it’s possible but Harden is actually better than I realized. And I already thought he was a top-5 all time great scorer. But his passing is so good and I didn’t even consider how it would revolutionize our offense.
我现在有点不知所措了 , 哈登比我想象中的还要厉害 , 我一直以为他只是历史前五得分手 , 没想到他传球也这么厉害 , 直接改革了76人的进攻
Harden with a real triple double unlike the other guys fake 10/10/10 lines
哈登这才叫三双 , 10/10/10可以算是经济型的三双了

