美国总统爱单车 世界名人单车语录

自行单车出现伊始 , 世界上许多名人都爱上了单车运动 , 下面我们来盘点一下他们都说过哪些话吧!
"Nothing compares with the simple pleasure of a bike ride." -John F. Kennedy
"The bicycle ,  the bicycle surely ,  should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets." -Christoper Morley
"Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia." -H. G. Wells
"Get a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live." -Mark Twain
「找辆单车 , 活着就不会后悔」—马克?吐温(美国作家)
"It is easy to be a holy man on a mountain bike." -Mark W. Matson
"If you brake ,  you dont win." -Mario Cipollini
"There is no room in the Tour for the sick or the weak." -Laurent Jalabert
"Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." -James E. Starrs
"As long as I breathe ,  I attack." -Bernard Hinault
"Ride like water." -Paul Adkins
"Why should anyone steal a watch when he could steal a bicycle?" -Flann OBrien
"The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine." -John Howard
「单车是稀奇的交通工具 , 乘客就是它的引擎」—约翰?豪尔德(澳洲总理)
"Bicycles have no walls." -Paul Cornish
"The very existence of the bicycle is an offense to reason and wisdom." -P. J. ORourke
"The bicycle is the noblest invention of mankind." -William Saroyan
"Everything is bicycle." -Stephen Crane
"It is by riding a bicycle that one learns the contours of a country best." -Emest Hemingway
"I thought of that while riding my bicycle." -Albert Einstein
「当我看见一个骑脚踏车的成年人 , 我就对人类抱存希望」— H.G. Wells(科幻小说之父) 「小时候觉得骑上单车就没有办不到的事 , 现在还是这样觉得」—电影《东京快递》 

