女生霸气英文句子 霸气女王范英语签名

1、男人一半是君子,一半是动物;女人一半是天使,一半是恶魔 。所以千万不要挑逗动物,惹怒天使!
2、I want to be an ideological hooligan,a good girl in life,a tender girl in appearance,and a transformer in psychology.
3、如果生活踹了你好多脚,别忘了给它两个耳光,反抗总比流泪强 。
4、I will try to become the kind of girl you like,and then die without you.
5、我并不想做个征战四方的女流氓,可是你们谁也没把我当成个小姑娘 。
6、I am not water-based poplar,how can I match your unprecedented love of the new and hate the old.
7、女孩子应该明白:气质比年龄重要,微笑比颜值重要,开心比爱情重要 。
8、我想要做个思想上的女流氓,生活上的好姑娘,外形上的柔情少女,心理上的变形金刚 。
9、从此我选择销声匿迹不再把你提起,从此你我殊途一生不再相遇 。
10、When you encounter nausea,you should learn to be calm and calm. The scum in the world can be prevented with all kinds of attitudes.
11、其实我不明白什么叫恰到好处,只是不想辜负谁和被辜负,该拥抱的时候不退步,该笑到时候我绝对不会哭 。
12、Learn how to be a tough lady,how to live proudly without being affected,pretentious,groaning or cowardly!
13、走好自己的路,迈好自己的步,少理那些背后说三道四的废物 。
14、I don't want to be a gangster on all sides,but none of you think of me as a little girl.
15、The lover who can't get is always the wind,and will leave after thousands of times.
16、遇到恶心事,你要学会淡定和从容,这个世界上的人渣,千姿百态,防不胜防 。
17、可以一杯开水烫死我,也可以一杯冰水冷死我,但不能一杯温水耗着我,我要的是黑白分明,直接利落 。

女生霸气英文句子 霸气女王范英语签名

18、From then on,I choose not to mention you anymore. From then on,you and I will never meet again.
19、我会努力变成你喜欢的那种女孩子,然后死也不和你在一起 。
20、女孩子不要随便吵架,这会显得你很没有教养,你该一巴掌过去,让她知道什么是力量,什么叫文武双全 。
21、I don't want to be bored with each other. I just want you to die.
22、你要做一个披荆斩棘无所不能的女英雄,直到遇见能托付一生的人,再做一个瓶盖都拧不开的小公主 。
23、The princess dream is spoiled,the queen's heart is spelled out. May all beautiful women have endless princess dream and unbeatable queen's heart.
24、If life kicks your feet,don't forget to slap it twice. Resistance is better than tears.
25、公主梦是宠出来的,女王心是拼出来的,愿所有美好的女子,都有做不完的公主梦,打不败的女王心 。
26、Girls should understand that temperament is more important than age,smile is more important than face value,and happiness is more important than love.
27、得不到的爱人总归是风,强留千百次也终究会走 。
28、Probably in this life will not fall in love with anyone,because there is no love at first sight,but also a lack of patience.
30、Take your own road,take your own steps,and ignore the waste behind your back.
31、我是很会考虑别人感受的人,所以一般说话都不会让人难堪,如果哪次我说话让你不舒服了,别多想,我就是故意的 。
32、我不想相互生厌,张口闭口全是怨,我喜欢干净利落,我只希望你死 。
33、我不水性杨花,怎么配得上你空前绝后的喜新厌旧 。

