
中国好声音 The Voice Of China你幸福吗?Are you happy?舌尖上的中国 A Bite Of China元芳,你怎么看? Yuan Fang, what do you see?给跪了 To kneel最炫民族风 The Coolest National Wind高富帅,白富美 tall、rich and handsome,lots of money and white beautiful face correspondingly江南Style gangnam style躺着也中枪 hit by a stray bullet without being in a war吊丝,逆袭 a carefree guy starts shining希望楼主满意 。
中国好声音浙江卫视官网译本——The Voice of China 你幸福吗?中国留学生在米国仿CCA*V采访人员家庭作业“你幸福吗”、录制上传的视频里,逢人(采访者)便问:Are you fulfilled? Do you feel fulfilled?你过的满足吗?Are you happy?不是不可以,而是…Chinglish 舌尖上的中国CCA*V官网译本——A Bite of China 元芳,你怎么看?What’s your opionion, Yuanfang?其中,Yuanfang即Li Yuanfang 给跪了Oh, please.——推荐I beg you.Beg (you) for mercy. 最炫民族风若是凤凰传奇歌名,The Most Dazzling Chinoiserie,The Most Fantastic Chinoiserie,The Coolest Chinoiserie若是江苏卫视健身跳舞比赛,Dancing with Coolest Chinoiserie 高富帅相当于钻石王老五,golden bachelor;若直译,rich handsome boy,handsome guy of wealth 白富美beautiful, charming and wealthy girl,beautiful and charming lady of wealth 江南Style又译江南风、骑马舞,Gangnam Style 躺着也中枪简称“躺枪”:be hurt as an innocent guy,innocently assaulted/attacked (by words) 吊丝又称屌丝,苦B青年自嘲式自称:Diors、Diaos、grassroots (guys) 逆袭本意:unexpected counteroffensive/counterattack——源于《高达:逆袭的夏亚》(Mobile Suit Gundam——Char’s Counter Attack)引申:rebounding success beyond expectation 供参

