
爱过千遍,我爱过千遍 。A thousand loves, a thousand I love you.与北极仿佛在赤道相遇 。It seems to meet the North Pole in the equator.


 选择总是有的,但是我会选择你 。The options are always there, but I will always choose you.共享的乐趣在于回应 。The joy of sharing is in response.幸好,这种爱和被爱是同时发生的 。Fortunately, this time love and being loved happen at the same time.落俗是必然的,浪漫是绝对的,温柔是绝对的顺从 。Unconventional is inevitable, romantic to death, gentle and absolutely obedient.

 您对我说话的态度决定了我今天心情不好 。Your attitude toward me determines whether I am happy today.有的人一遇到多巴胺,就会自然而然地产生,换句话说,有的人在一起就是幸福 。Some people naturally produce dopamine as soon as they meet. In other words, some people are happy to be together.带我去吧,浪漫的收集者 。Just steal me, romantic collector.在我无欲无求的生活中,你就是旁边生出的一丝贪心 。You are the trace of greed that came out of my desireless life.布置作业:睡前想想我Assign your homework: miss me before going to bed

 我爱你,希望有机会你能还我这句话 。I love you, I hope you can return this sentence to me if you have the opportunity.就是你没有觉察到我的情绪 。You can't notice any emotions in me.为什麽要把我捂热和抛弃?Why are you covering me up and throwing it away.我只想说他喜欢你,你只想说我喜欢你 。He didn't say a word about liking you, but you are all I do.晚霞比枯草更暗淡无光 。The late affection is lower than withered grass.他们充满激情,我一无所有 。The excitement is theirs, I have nothing.假如他总是为别人打伞,为什么还要为他等着呢?If he is always holding an umbrella for others, why should you wait for him in the rain.为了等待你不确定的未来,我拒绝了一切暧昧 。I rejected all ambiguities, just for an uncertain future waiting for you.


