nice是什么中文意思(You must play nice

nice是什么中文意思(You must play nice是什么意思) 每日英译英:You must play nice是什么意思? 我们学某句英语,为什么“说”出来的为什么不是一串英语,而是“说”一个中文单词或句子呢? 这正是需要强化训练的地方 。我们看到下面的英语,“说”出来的是英语,还是中文?

nice是什么中文意思(You must play nice

1) What does it mean? 1. Every parent has probably said, “play nicely” or “be kind to your sister.” And most of us agree that we want to raise caring children But is kindness something you can really teach? 2.Play nice to your co-workers. 3.Easy Ways to Be Nice to Your Co-workers. 4.To play nice means to behave yourself, play nicely with others, don't cause trouble.Don't be cruel. 5."Play nicely!" is something you might say to small children, meaning "don't fight, share your toys 这些英语本身就已经在“告诉”我们play nice什么意思,而且有很多很多不同的英语用词,我们就没有必要再用中文去翻译,或理解了 。
nice是什么中文意思(You must play nice

2)口语:Okay.I got you. 1.Okay.I got you.If you play nice to others,or if you say Play nice to others,you mean Behave yourself,Play nicely or Be kind to others,or Show kindness to others. 2.When we say it to our kids,we mean Raise caring children. 3.Play nice means Be nice to people. 4.To play nice means Play nicely with other kids.For example, don't cause trouble,don't be cruel,share your
nice是什么中文意思(You must play nice

我们学英语的目的,是为了训练我们见到英语能想起或说出更多的英语,是直接用英语记住更多英语的习惯和能力而不是继续保持用中文记住英语的习惯,更不是“学,为了(跟人)用” 。没这个机会和条件的 。

