40种方式来说“我想你” 我想你英文怎么说


40种方式来说“我想你” 我想你英文怎么说

1. I can’t stop thinking about you.
我一直在想着你 。
2. I can’t wait to see you again.
我迫不及待地我想见你 。
3. When will I see you again?
4. I hope I see you again soon.
我要尽早见你一面 。
5. I feel sad without you.
失去了你 , 我觉得很难过 。
6. All I do is think of you.
我可以做的仅仅——想着你 。
7. I wish you were here.
希望你在这儿 。
8. I’m counting down the days.
我还在最后生活 。
9. I’m counting the days until I see you again.
我还在最后生活直至再次遇见你 。
10. Your picture makes me smile.
你的照片给了我微笑 。
11. I think of you night and day.
我曰曰夜夜都会想起你 。
12. I was thinking about you and it made me smile.
我由于一直在想你而笑容 。

40种方式来说“我想你” 我想你英文怎么说

13. I’ve been thinking of you.
我一直在想着你 。
14. You have been running through my head all night.
你一直在我的梦中 。
15. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face.
我已经迫不及待需看你漂亮的脸孔了 。
16. I think about you all the time.
我每时每刻都在想你 。
17. I smile when I think of the time we spent together.
当我们想到我们在一起的岁月 , 我也会笑容 。
18. I miss you so much it hurts.
我想你 。
19. I can’t work because all I do is think of you.
我一直在想着你 , 没法工作中 。
20. I can’t sleep because I have been thinking of you so much.
估计你想得难以入睡 。
21. I need you now.
此刻我真的需要 。
22. I can’t wait to be with you again.
我迫不及待要和你在一起 。

40种方式来说“我想你” 我想你英文怎么说

23. I can’t wait to talk to you again.
我急不可耐要与你沟通交流 。
24. I look forward to seeing you again.
我希望再度与你碰面 。
25. I would like to be with you again.
我要再度和你在一起 。
26. The world is not the same when you are away.
你离去后 , 全球也不不一样了 。
27. You’ve been on my mind.
你一直存有和我的脑海中里 。
28. You occupy my thoughts.
我的脑海中都是你 。
29. I yearn for you.
我期待着见你一面 。
30. I long for you.
我期待着见你一面 。
31. You crossed my mind.
你让我心神不安 。
32. I smile when I think of the time we spent together.
当想起我们在一起的岁月 , 我也会笑容 。

40种方式来说“我想你” 我想你英文怎么说

33. I miss you so much.
我十分思念你 。
34. I want you here with me now.
我要你和我在一起 。
35. I’m incomplete without you.
失去了你 , 我也已不详细 。
36. My life has a void when you are not with me.
如果你不就在我身边的情况下 , 我觉得很苦闷 。
37. I’m so unhappy without you.
失去了你 , 我很不高兴 。
38. Can’t breath without you.
失去了你 , 我喘不过气来 。
39. Your presence makes me a happy person.
你的出現使我变成了快乐的人 。
40. My life is meaningless without you

