工信部向中国电信发放5g商用牌照 美国吊销中国电信牌照工信部发声( 二 )

Opposing Ofcom's Ban on CGTN and Defending Free Speech
反对英国通讯管理局对CGTN的禁令 捍卫言论自由
Ofcom’s decision to remove the broadcasting license of CGTN – China's English language TV channel – is an act of censorship which is not in the interests of Britain and its people. It is well known, and publicly acknowledged, that CGTN is a Chinese state broadcaster and viewers can therefore take this into account in judging its services and broadcasts. As a state television broadcaster, CGTN's status is similar to that of the BBC, France Télévisions, NHK (Japan), and others.
英国通讯管理局(Ofcom)撤销中国国际电视台(CGTN)在英广播许可的决定是有悖于英国及其民众利益的审查行为 。众所周知,CGTN是受公众认可的中国国家广播机构 。观众可以以此为依据判断其服务和广播电视节目质量 。作为国有广播电视媒体,CGTN与英国广播公司(BBC),法国电视台(France Télévisions)和日本放送协会(NHK)等媒体的地位相当 。
Ofcom's justification for taking CGTN off air is that any holder of a broadcasting licence in Britain must not be controlled by political bodies. However, this law is only selectively applied. Numerous private and state channels have clear political agendas or control – the BBC itself, for example, which had its staff vetted by MI5 has not had its broadcasting licence revoked.
英国通讯管理局称,不允许CGTN在英继续播放是因为任何英国广播执照的持有者都不应受到政治机构的控制 。但这一法规的执行却是有选择性的 。众多私营和国有电视频道都有明确的政治议程或受其控制 。BBC本身就是一个例子 。虽然BBC的所有员工都必须接受军情五处的审查,但其广播执照从未被吊销过 。
This attack on free speech also takes place in the context of the threat of a new cold war against China. At such a moment, it is crucial to build mutual understanding between peoples and also to accurately comprehend the positions of the chief actors in the global situation. Denying a voice to China’s CGTN hampers this.
这一攻击言论自由的行为发生在西方威胁发动对华新冷战的背景之下 。在这样的时刻,建立各国人民间的互信和准确理解国际事务主要参与者的立场是至关重要的 。剥夺CGTN的发声权利会对此构成阻碍 。
Britain's claim to be a free society is undermined by Ofcom's decision to shut down CGTN. We call upon the British authorities to reverse this decision and to reinstate CGTN's broadcasting licence.
英国通讯管理局停播CGTN的决定也有损于英国自由社会的自我定位 。我们呼吁英国当局撤销这一决定并恢复CGTN的广播许可 。
John Pilger, prize winning journalist
Oliver Stone, three-time Oscar winning director, producer and screenwriter
Tariq Ali, writer, filmmaker and New Left Review Editorial Board
Kerry-Anne Mendoza, Editor of The Canary
克里-安妮·门多萨, 英国左翼网站The Canary编辑
Ben Chacko, Editor of the Morning Star
Vijay Prashad, Chief Correspondent of Globetrotter
Ken Loach, award-winning filmmaker
Jonathan Cook, award-winning author and journalist
Lowkey, Musician and activist
Anna Chen, Writer, poet and broadcaster
Asa Winstanley, journalist

