2022年最火的的句子,很多人觉得很赞 2020年最火的的句子

不知从什么时候,秒回的信息变成几天也没有回音,没有屏蔽的朋友圈已经没有更新过了,最后我连欣赏你生活的资格都没有了 。
I don’t know when, the information returned in seconds has not returned for a few days, and the circle of friends without shielding has not been updated. In the end, I have no qualification to appreciate your life.

2022年最火的的句子,很多人觉得很赞 2020年最火的的句子

往后余生一定要找个对你好,心疼你,不让你委屈的那个人,不论长相,年龄 。
For the rest of your life, you must find someone who treats you well, distresses you, and prevents you from being wronged, regardless of appearance or age.
2022年最火的的句子,很多人觉得很赞 2020年最火的的句子

尝试了独来独往,却还是渴望着信天翁的爱情 。
I tried solo, but I still long for the love of albatross.
2022年最火的的句子,很多人觉得很赞 2020年最火的的句子

永远相信爱情,但是觉得自己可能遇到不爱情 。
Always believe in love, but feel that you may encounter non-love.
2022年最火的的句子,很多人觉得很赞 2020年最火的的句子

真正的爱,是彼此拥抱,又不互相依赖 。
True love is embracing each other without depending on each other.
2022年最火的的句子,很多人觉得很赞 2020年最火的的句子

通常来讲,在真正的爱情里,一切都没有标准 。哪怕设定理想条条框框一大堆,等爱情来了发现它什么都不是 。
Generally speaking, in true love, there is no standard for everything. Even if you set a lot of ideals, wait for love to find it is nothing.
2022年最火的的句子,很多人觉得很赞 2020年最火的的句子

People who understand you need no explanation and support you behind you whenever you want!
真正的爱,大多时候无法用言语表达 。
Most of the time, true love cannot be expressed in words.
2022年最火的的句子,很多人觉得很赞 2020年最火的的句子

真心换真心,换不到就死心 。
If you can't change it, you will die.
最重要的,是永远不要忘了对自己好 。
The most important thing is to never forget to treat yourself well.

