关于miss的意思 你知道多少? miss中文是什么意思


关于miss的意思 你知道多少? miss中文是什么意思

在第一组例句中,“miss”是想念的意思,指因为某物或某人不在了,或者在离你很远的地方,因而想念 。在这种情况下,不要使用进行时ing形式 。
Ankita misses her boyfriend who moved to Europe.
Edgar misses his parents now that he’s living in the United States.
Yolanda and Juan missed seeing each other when they were apart, but now they’re back toher again.
Now that you’re married, what do you miss most about being single?
I miss the carefree days of my youth.
“miss”的另一种意思稍有不同,指你找不到某样东西了 。在这种情况下,使用ing形式就很常见了 。
This puzzle is missing a few pieces.
The store is missing a few thousand dollars.
She’s missing a front tooth.
You’re missing an assignment. Where is it?
The police are looking for a missing child.(在这个句子中,“missing”是形容词 。)
“miss”的第三种意思是说,你试图击打或者投掷某物但没有命中,也就是“未击中/未投中”的意思 。
Bobby swung at the ball and missed.
Sheila tried to throw the cabbage into the garbage, but her aim was bad and she missed. The cabbage fell to the floor.
That guy is a terrible basketball per. He always misses the basket.
The forward missed the goal.
“miss”的第四种意思是说,约定好了一次见面、一场会议或者某种服务,但你没能赶上或者你没去 。
Larissa missed her flight to New York. She’ll have to get on another plane.
Charles has been missing a lot of meetings lately.
You missed your appointment. You’ll have to reschedule.
Try not to miss any more classes.
I’m sorry I missed the party. Was it fun?
“miss”还有一种用法很重要,和动词用法完全不同,用作未婚女性的称谓 。
Our teacher is Miss Rickenbacker.(她没结婚,还是单身 。)
The principal’s name is Mrs. Fender.(她已婚 。)
Ms. Gibson is a lawyer.(我们不清楚她是否已婚 。职业女性通常使用“Ms.” 。)

