








NBA总决赛第四场已经落下帷幕 , 勇士客场拿下一城 , 库里的表现极为出色 , G4拿下43分10篮板 , 为胜利倾其所有!美媒StatMuse为此晒出了库里总决赛的数据 , 还特意晒出了杜兰特对阵绿军的数据 , 两者进行了对比 。

杜兰特场均26.3分 , 投篮命中率38.6% , 三分命中率33.3%;
库里场均34.3分 , 投篮命中率50% , 三分命中率49% 。

两者对比 , 库里大幅度领先 , 为此网友们展开了激烈的讨论 。
KD fans are in shambles talking about curry doesn't get the same defensive attention
KD: 0 all stars
Curry: 2 All Stars (one being a starter also supposed to be 3 since Klay didnt play most of the season)
库里:2个全明星(一个是首发 , 也应该是三个 , 因为克莱本赛季大部分时间都没有上场)
Kevin Durant is still BETTER. Ime Udoka admitted that Kevin Durant was the only player this post season that the celtics DID NOT allow to play 1 on 1 isolation. Instead they doubled him they did not to do that to Giannis Butler and Curry. Hence them having better series
凯文杜兰特显然感觉更好 。 艾米尤度卡承认凯文杜兰特是本赛季凯尔特人唯一不允许1对1单打的球员 。 相反 , 他们加倍(针对)杜兰特 , 他们并没有对扬尼斯(字母哥) , 巴特勒和库里那样做 。 因此 , 他们有更好的系列赛 。

Dont forget to show assist:
KD: 6.3 Assists
Curry so far: 3.8 Assists
不要忘记助攻 , 杜兰特(场均)6.3次助攻 , 库里目前为主(场均)3.8次助攻 。
Nets sweep by Boston celtics dont forget that facts
This is the most useless comparison ever.
这是有史以来最无用的比较 。

Don't worry yall when Steph loses the finals there will be Kevin Durant propaganda spread.
不用担心 , 当斯蒂芬(库里)输掉总决赛时 , 凯文杜兰特就会被宣传开来了 。
Many are ragging on the Warriors supporting cast but they're way better than the Nets
许多人对勇士的阵容不满 , 但他们要比篮网队好得多
In four games vs the Celtics
KD - missing two significant starters
Steph - having a healthy lineup
在对阵凯尔特人的四场比赛中 , 杜兰特缺少两个重要的首发球员 , 斯蒂芬(库里)拥有健康的阵容

There is no question that Stephanie Curry is better than KD. He’s more potent offensively and is a better all around teammate.
毫无疑问斯蒂芬比杜兰特好 , 他在进攻端更强大 , 并且是一个更好的全能队友 。
Just respect greatness that two has different talent one is guard and the other is forward.
只是尊重有两个不同天赋的伟大(球员) , 一个是后卫 , 另一个是前锋 。
This is why the nba players being hating the media ..
这就是为什么NBA球员讨厌媒体的原因 。
But you didn't list their height? Isn't that the only reason kd is better?

