sweet的实用习语有哪些 sweet是什么意思啊

如何描述“甜言蜜语”?今天给大家送上10个关于sweet的实用习语 。
Cakes add color to the offerings of a goji berry themed feast created by chefs in Yinchuan, the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, to promote regional specialties. [Photo provided to China Daily]
1、sweet on sb
Definition: to like someone very much in a romantic way
She’s still sweet on him after all this time!
过了这么久她仍然深爱着他 。
2、go your own (sweet) way
Definition: to do what you want without considering other people
It doesn’t matter how much advice I give Cathy, she always goes her own sweet way.
我给凯茜多少忠告也没用,她总是独行其是 。
3、have a sweet tooth
Definition: If you have a sweet tooth, you like eating sweet foods, especially sweets and chocolate.
Most girls have a sweet tooth.
大多数女孩子都爱吃甜食 。
4、sweet nothings
Definition: romantic and loving talk
They’re the couple in the corner, whispering/murmuring sweet nothings to each other.
他们就是躲在角落里低声说着情话的那一对 。
5、keep sb sweet
Definition: to try to keep someone satisfied and pleased with you so that you can continue to get what you want
定义: 取悦(某人),讨好某人
He made a few concessions to keep the shareholders sweet.
他做出了一些让步,以讨好股东 。
6、sweet fanny adams
Definition: nothing
And what does she know about it? Sweet Fanny Adams!
7、sweet water
Definition: fresh water
Draw wells have sweet water.
常汲之井涌甘泉 。
8、sweet talk
Definition: a way of talking to someone in a pleasing or funny way in order to persuade them to do or believe something
My boyfriend is a pushover for sweet talk.
我的男朋友是易受甜言蜜语而被说服的人 。
9、the sweet and the bitter of life
10、Who have never taste bitter, know not what is sweet.
不吃苦,焉知甜 。

