
英语作文写狗的为你喜欢的宠物狗的外貌喜欢吃什么英语作文90我养了一只可爱的宠物狗,它的名字叫宝宝 。它长着一对大大的耳朵,小巧玲珑的鼻子,一条又小又短的尾巴 。它最爱吃的食物是骨头,每次我喂给它,它都会朝我拼命摇尾巴,然后迅速抢下来,吃得津津有味,吃完还会跑来用小鼻子蹭蹭我 。我最喜欢它了 。I have a lovely dog, its name is baby. It has a pair of big ears, small nose, a small and short tail. It is the most favorite food is bone, every time I feed it, it will be hard at me and wagged his tail, and then quickly down, eat eat with appetite, eat also came with a small nose like me. I like it best.写一篇以我喜爱的宠物狗为题英语作文,包括外貌,狗能帮我们做什么,为什么喜欢狗

