
未来教室是什么样子的80词英语作文写作思路:展开合理的想象,可以将未来的教室想象成机器人主导,中心要明确突出密闭门语法使用错误等等 。正文:In the future, it must be a time of great influence. At that time, our classroom will become very strange……未来,一定是一个呼风唤雨的时代,到那时候,我们的教室将会变得异常奇特……In the future, the desk in the classroom will become robots. When everyone comes to school, it will become a square for children to read and write on. In the morning, when you come to the classroom and need to hand in your homework, press the red button, the robot will stretch out two hands, then put them into your schoolbag, and find the homework in the schoolbag accurately.未来,教室里的桌子将会变成一个个机器人,当大家来上学时,他就会变成一个方块,让小朋友们在上面读书、写字 。早上,大家来到教室里,需要交作业时按一下红色按钮,机器人便会伸出两只手,然后放进你的书包,准确无误地在书包中找到作业 。How did he decide which assignments to hand in? The answer lies in him. Each robot is equipped with a miniature "ear" facing the platform. Whenever the teacher assigns homework, he will keep it in his "brain", and then determine which homework to hand in the next day according to the master

