英语作文 刘伟的故事感想

英语作文 刘伟的经历及启示 80词左右英语作文 写一篇介绍刘伟的文章 120词左右英语作文 写一篇介绍刘伟的文章 120词左右跪求关于断臂刘伟的高中作文应该怎么写谁能指导一下从哪些方面写当袖管两空的刘伟走上舞台时 , 所有人都知道他要表演什么 , 但没人能想象他究竟要怎样用双脚弹奏钢断臂钢琴师挑战世界达人[1]琴 。而当他坐到特制的琴凳上之后 , 优美的旋律从他脚下流出 , 十个脚趾在琴键上灵活地跳跃着 , 全场陷入了一片安静 。在刘伟表演结束之后 , 所有观众和三位评委都起身鼓掌 。刘伟是在10岁的一次意外中失去了双臂 , 但他并没有因此而消沉 , 而是凭着超凡的毅力每天坚持7个小时的练习 , 一年内就达到了钢琴7级的水平 。刘伟还在2006年加入了北京市残疾人艺术团 , 并开始自己编曲填词 。他说:“我能像正常人一样生活 , 养活自己 , 虽然我体会不到拥抱别人的幸福感 , 但我能够在琴声中感受到更多的幸福 。”When XiuGuan two empty wei walked on stage, everyone knows he must show what, but nobody can imagine how he will play with your feet steel brokeback pianist challenge the world da[1]. And when he sits stool to the beautiful melody, after ten feet from his toes in the keys, the flexible, hopping into a quiet. In the end, all wei performing audience applaud and three judges were up. Wei is 10 years old in an accident lost his arms, but he isn't a depression, but with extraordinary perseverance day 7 hours of practice, a year reached piano 7 levels. Liuwei joined in 2006 Beijing disabled art, and began to write lyrics arrangements. He said: "I like normal person can support himself, though, I don't understand embrace another's happiness, but I can feel more philosophical in happiness."<你触动了我>关于刘伟的作文

