
在什么的上面、下面、后面、前面的英文单词怎么说?上面 , 下面的英语单词上面:above ,on , over,up下面:under,below,beneathPut the biscuits on the shelf above. 把饼乾放到上面的架子上.a picture on the wall 墙上的画I stood up to ask a question. 我站起来提一个问题.The sky was a clear blue over our heads. 我们头顶上是蔚蓝的天空.The cat was under the table. 那猫在桌子下面. The temperature remained below freezing all day. 温度整天都在冰点以下.The boat sank beneath the waves. 小船淹没在浪涛中.喜爱夜蒲3里面在游艇上面一首女声英文歌曲叫什么?求求求

