ago|「键盘侠」澳洲网友欲改名为天 库里已迎来生涯第二个巅峰期( 二 )

Just cause Steph is playing insane, doesn&apost mean we have to put down Jokic. The fact that he&aposs so highly rated in several advanced stat categories (and basic stat categories too) is a testament to the fact that he&aposs also playing at an MVP level
勇士球迷:不能只是因为库里打疯了 , 我们就会去贬低约基奇 。 事实上 , 约基奇在好几个高阶数据排名中排名十分靠前(基础数据也很强) , 这能证明约老师同样打出了MVP级的表现 。
[–]Lakersrawchess 28 points 5 hours ago
Let&aposs not discredit Jokic, dude is also pulling an insane carry job without his second and third options
湖人球迷:咱们不要不尊重约基奇 , 他正疯狂地带领球队前进 , 何况队内的第二和第三选择都不在 。

ago|「键盘侠」澳洲网友欲改名为天 库里已迎来生涯第二个巅峰期

[–]MavericksMEMES4DREAMS77 41 points 5 hours ago
IMO he’s closer to being unanimous MVP than not winning the award, like he’s so far ahead it’s really not close. 2nd place is honestly a more interesting discussion between KD, Jokic, Butler, and Giannis.
独行侠球迷:库里现在接近全票MVP赛季的表现了 , 他现在处于领先的位置 , 而且领先别人一大截 。 老实说 , 第二位是谁是个更有趣的话题 , KD , 约基奇 , 巴特勒还是字母哥 。
[–][GSW] Klay Thompsonkiidlocs 1026 points 6 hours ago
cavs were outscored 33-7 in the fourth before curry subbed out. what an absolutely clutch performance from the MVP
勇士球迷:骑士在库里被替换下场前被打了一波33比7 , MVP关键时刻的统治级表现
[–]Warriorsmanliestdino 384 points 6 hours ago
shout out to dlee and jta too, lee was great complementing steph offensively and jta was cleaning up the glass which was killing the warriors in the previous three quarters
勇士球迷:向安德森和达米恩-李致谢 , 李在进攻端帮助了库里 , 安德森篮板抢得非常棒 , 前三节勇士的篮板被虐爆了 。

ago|「键盘侠」澳洲网友欲改名为天 库里已迎来生涯第二个巅峰期

[–]WarriorsAdmiralattackbar 151 points 5 hours ago
I feel bad for JTA he kinda had his thunder stolen by GPII. I love that we have so many hustle guys coming off the bench though. Hopefully Kerr can find more minutes for him
勇士球迷:替安德森感到一丝可惜 , 他的势头被小佩顿夺走了 。 但是我喜欢替补席有那么多积极拼抢的家伙 , 希望科尔能安排更多的时间给安德森 。
[–]San Francisco WarriorsCasualrodfarva2 140 points 5 hours ago
It just really drives me nuts people are so quick to talk shit about role players. Like the dude is on a minimum? Contract and people get mad when he plays a little rusty after a few games of not playing much. Dude always gives 100%
勇士球迷:有人喷安德森真的让我蛋疼 , 他只是拿了一份底薪合同吧?他之前几场比赛没怎么打 , 刚上来时有些生锈 , 人们就开始对他感到生气了 。 安德森在场上贡献了100% 。
[–]CavaliersN3deSTr0 994 points 6 hours ago
Ok, it&aposs bad that we played the Nets and Warriors back to back while missing 4 starters and 1 key role player but look on the bright side! We&aposre playing the fucking Suns who&aposs on a 10 game winstreak next game!
骑士球迷:我们在缺少四名首发和一位关键替补的情况下 , 还要连续面对篮网和勇士 , 这真是糟糕的事情 。 但是我们看到了希望 。 我们下场要打太阳了 , 他们已经TM的十连胜了 。 (译者注:骑士下场将继续面对篮网 , 然后迎战太阳 。 )
[–][DAL] Luka Don%u10Di%u107Queen_Of_The_Castle 264 points 5 hours ago
Y’all got this, we’ll try to make them tired for you

