ago|「键盘侠」澳洲网友欲改名为天 库里已迎来生涯第二个巅峰期( 三 )
独行侠球迷:你们没问题的 , 我们会努力让他们累坏的 。
[–]PistonsJohnnyFacepalm 819 points 6 hours ago
Curry is in another galaxy right now. Is it crazy to think we may not have seen his peak?
活塞球迷:库里现在不属于这个银河系 。 我们可能还未看到他的巅峰 , 这样想会不会太疯狂了?
[–]HeatMartiniLAPD 525 points 6 hours ago
He’s physically stronger and just more all around a better player with experiences and seen it all of defensive coverage. Man shooting practice that only counts the swish. He’s just entering his second prime, like KD, like LeBron did
热火球迷:他的身体更强壮了 , 因为他的经历以及面对各种防守的经验 , 他现在是一位更全面的球员了 。 他的投篮已入化境 。 他已经进入了第二个巅峰期 , 就像KD和詹姆斯 。
[–]SpursJonA3531 225 points 6 hours ago
I guess that one year off in 2019-20 and two long summer breaks when GSW were missing playoffs help with his rejuvenation.
马刺球迷:我猜2019-20赛季的因伤缺阵以及两个休赛期的恢复帮助他重获了新生 。
[–]WarriorsGoldenStateWizards 152 points 5 hours ago
Seeing how he&aposs been playing so far, I&aposm definitely no longer upset that he chose to rest instead of playing in the Olympics
勇士球迷:看到他至今如此精彩的表现 , 我现在对他选择不去打奥运会而是休息的决定一点也不沮丧了 。
[–]CavaliersPootieTooGood 703 points 6 hours ago
deep bench put up a competitive one. was hoping that the LLWLWWW on the courtside would&aposve brought in some voodoo
骑士球迷:替补阵容打出了一场激烈的比赛 。 本来希望场边的“输输赢输赢赢赢”的标语能迷惑住对手呢(双方16年总决赛对战纪录)
[–]Warriorsuberdosage 423 points 6 hours ago
Fitz said it, "Cavs deserve so much credit. Down four starters on a back to back, a lot of teams would just lie down belly up, but cavs played hard and were the better team for three quarters.
勇士球迷:勇士解说说 , “骑士值得大家的尊重 , 少了四名首发 , 还是背靠背 , 很多球队可能就选择放弃了 , 但他们打得非常努力 , 在前三节他们是更好的球队 。 ”
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