英文情景和人物描写 英语对人物的描写

英文情景和人物描写 英语对人物的描写

【英文情景和人物描写 英语对人物的描写】第1453天? 英语超级写作奶爸,3.9年双语日记记录女儿生活
中英合计:101.1万字 英文40.5万字,中文60.6万字

第1453天 (3.9年) 2021年12月5日 (日)
A Diary for My Yunduo'er ?
Day 1453, Dec 5, 2021 (Sun)
Activities for children abounded. Though it came across as a tad bleak, the whole place was humming with excitement, with traditional trains plodding past at some distance and bullet trains whizzing by high on a nearby bridge. You got a real kick out of whooshing down a shiny long metal trough laid out following the lie of a hill.
有很多孩子玩儿的项目 。尽管公园显得有点荒凉,但一片兴奋的嘈杂声 。经常有老式火车在远处慢吞吞地走过,近处高铁列车在高高的桥上呼啸而过 。沿着长长的光亮的金属槽从斜坡上冲下来,你异常兴奋 。
On one occasion mummy lost track of you while you were on a formidably bulky structure of slides and net tunnels bursting at the seams. She called out your name at the top of her lungs but you didn't reply. Her mind was reeling while reports of kids sneaked away in public places streamed into her head. She was a nervous wreck at that very moment.
你在一个既有滑梯又有网状隧道的巨大设施上,上面挤满了孩子,妈妈一度看不到你了 。她声嘶力竭地喊你的名字,可你一点儿都没应 。妈妈脑子一下子就乱了,孩子在公共场合被人偷走的事儿一股脑闪现在她脑子里 。那一刻,她几乎精神崩溃了 。

