Madam的汉译 madam汉语意思

Madam的汉译 madam汉语意思

从标题上看,上期的铺垫,多半为说明madam一词的汉译!各位以为该词还能有啥译法?先说句“题外话”,男性“来世”似乎都可称成Sir或Mr. X,而女性多半略有变动!而英语打交道的国人,大多数几乎不会去想,更不会称呼未婚女性为a (young/pretty) woman!兴许是因为woman总给人的印象是“妇女”,怕说出来对方会立马“变脸”!不用说,madam(给人以高雅之感)似乎也不例外!事实上,每次读到Dear Sir/Madam等字眼时,我们似乎没在意后者的婚姻状况,这是不是有点奇怪?这是笔者数日前阅读某文联想到一点“趣事” 。如下三例出自同一故事,我们来看看其实际用法:
1. ‘Madam, I can refuse you nothing,’ said he; and he ordered the dress to be ready in twenty-four hours, or every man should be hanged.
2. ‘Madam,’ replied the prince, whose weakness would hardly allow him to speak, ‘do not think me so unnatural as to wish to deprive my father of his crown. As long as he lives I shall remain the most faithful of his subjects! And as to the princesses you speak of, I have seen none that I should care for as a wife, though I would always obey your wishes, whatever it might cost me.’
话说上例中那名“养女”不得已,在某仙女(其教母)的唆使或协助下,历经千辛万苦逃到另一王国,不巧被该国王子从钥匙孔中“撇”见,回宫后因相思而卧床不起…… 是故,此处的madam指王后!咋译更妥?
3. ‘Madam,’ answered one of the attendants present, who had been with the prince at the farm, ‘“Donkey Skin” is, next to the wolf, the most disgusting creature

