Yanqing|“冬奥之环”亮相冬奥公园、从高铁上寄出冬奥祝福 京张高铁开设移动邮局......


Yanqing|“冬奥之环”亮相冬奥公园、从高铁上寄出冬奥祝福 京张高铁开设移动邮局......

Located at the Yanqing Competition venue of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the National Alpine Skiing Center is testing its cable cars until Dec 24. The ropeway system of the center consists of 11 ropeways, with a total length of about 10.3 kilometers. The cable cars link the Yanqing Winter Olympic Village and the National Alpine Skiing Center. Currently, about 200 staff members have taken test rides testing the actual capability of the cable car facing the big visitors flow.
截至本月24号 , 位于冬奥延庆赛区的国家高山滑雪中心——“雪飞燕”将进行持续5天的缆车压力测试 。 据了解 , 国家高山滑雪中心索道系统共设9条架空索道及2条拖牵索道 , 全长约10.3公里 , 串联延庆冬奥村及高山滑雪中心各区域 。 目前 , 国家高山滑雪中心场馆运行团队近200名工作人员已进行试乘 , 通过前所未有的大人流量检验缆车的实战能力 。

Yanqing|“冬奥之环”亮相冬奥公园、从高铁上寄出冬奥祝福 京张高铁开设移动邮局......

A landmark installation called “the Ring of Winter Olympic” was unveiled at the Beijing Winter Olympic Park on Dec 21. So far, over 30 landscape attractions in the park are ready for the upcoming Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The top of the Ring is silver. The red steps in its center form an artistic Chinese character “Dong” which means winter. This landscape installation and the Beijing High Line Park together link Yongding River and Shougang Park.
21日 , 北京冬奥公园标志性景观节点“冬奥之环”正式亮相 。 至此 , 公园内“冰雪森林”“火车乐园”等30多个景观节点全部完工亮相 , 以全新姿态迎接即将到来的北京冬奥会 。 “冬奥之环”顶部的银色环形钢圈科技感十足 , 中间的红色阶梯如丝带般环绕而下 , 绘就了艺术字体的“冬”字式样 。 与之相连的高线公园横跨冬奥公园和首钢园 , 连接起永定河与首钢园区 。
从高铁上寄出冬奥祝福 京张高铁开设移动邮局

Yanqing|“冬奥之环”亮相冬奥公园、从高铁上寄出冬奥祝福 京张高铁开设移动邮局......

A mobile post office onboard a train was officially launched on the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway on Dec 21 It’s the first themed post office opened by China Post on a high-speed railway. The post office consists of a mobile site on high-speed trains and a fixed outlet which is set up in the service hall of Fengtai District Jiaomen Post branch. It provides 3 color postmarks that are technology themed and 10 commemorative postmarks with the images of stations along the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway. It also offers other postal goods.
12月21日 , 高铁移动主题邮局正式亮相 。 这是中国邮政在高铁上开设的首家主题邮局 。高铁移动主题邮局 , 邮政营业网点开设在丰台区角门邮政支局服务厅内 。 为满足旅客和集邮爱好者的收藏需求 , 高铁移动主题邮局将特别陆续推出以“科技”“出征”“凯旋”为主题的彩色邮资机戳3枚 , 彰显对历史与文化传承的“八达岭长城站”“太子城站”“张家口站”等京张高铁沿线站台建筑造型为图案的纪念戳10枚 , 形成高铁移动主题邮局特有的纪念戳系列图案 。
药店超市等十个行业改革先期启动 “一业一证”将全市推行
10 types of retail stores in Beijing, including pharmacies and supermarkets will soon start using an “Industry Comprehensive License”. Business owners no longer need to apply for multiple licenses when they wish to open a store, instead, all licenses will be integrated into only one license - the “Industry Comprehensive License”. Next year, Beijing will release opinions on the implementation of the reform, which will be carried out in a larger scale and more industries.

