Yanqing|“冬奥之环”亮相冬奥公园、从高铁上寄出冬奥祝福 京张高铁开设移动邮局......( 二 )

一个行业准入涉及的多张许可证 , 将整合为一张“行业综合许可证” , 大大提高企业的办事效率 。 目前 , 医疗器械经销商、药店、超市/便利店等10个行业的改革已先期在京启动 。 明年 , 本市还将出台“一业一证”改革实施意见 , 在更大范围、更多区域实行“一业一证”改革 。
故宫博物院“数字故宫”小程序 2.0版本 正式上线

Yanqing|“冬奥之环”亮相冬奥公园、从高铁上寄出冬奥祝福 京张高铁开设移动邮局......

The Palace Museum’s mini program “Digital Forbidden City” was upgraded and the new version was launched yesterday. The new version of the program has additional functions such as “visitor comfort index". Visitors can inquire information about conditions in key scenic spots at any time. It also provides services for the visually impaired and the elderly such as screen reading and a guide for barrier-free routes and facilities.
新版小程序全新上线了“参观舒适度指数”功能 , 观众可随时查询重要景点附近的参观舒适程度信息 , 小程序2.0还从视觉、交互等方面针对视障人群、老年人群进行了无障碍升级 。 操作方面 , 小程序新增了视障辅助读屏功能 , 高效指引视障用户找到要点信息 。 导览方面 , 结合故宫博物院现有无障碍设施 , 小程序内置无障碍路线及设施指引服务 , 实现从内容到功能全方位无障碍体验 。
The cruise route on the Liangma River will be extended to the Honglingjin River next year. With the length of 6 kilometers, the route will be divided into five sections. A full ecosystem with water circulation and automatic-purification will continuously improve the environment of rivers and lakes in the city. Some sites along the route such as important bridges will be decorated with lights.
明年亮马河航线将延长到红领巾湖 , 全线6公里规划为“国际风情、园林风采、运河风貌、古都风韵和自然风光”五个段落 , 构建全航线生态系统 , 实施水体循环自净 , 补水增加流动 , 在实现通航的同时 , 持续改善河湖水环境 。 同时河道船闸、涵洞、重要桥梁等节点设施 , 采用灯光秀等方式丰富游览体验 。

Yanqing|“冬奥之环”亮相冬奥公园、从高铁上寄出冬奥祝福 京张高铁开设移动邮局......

Renovation of the main structure of Dongdan Sports Center is expected to be complete by the end of this year. The renovation plan includes facade transformation, main structure reinforcement, interior decoration and upgrades to the water supply and drainage system, electrical system and thermal system.
东单体育中心整体改造工程资金申请报告获得市发改委批复 。 该项目计划于今年底完成主体工程 。 此次改造将加固总建筑面积约2万平方米 , 其中游泳馆总建筑面积约1.4万平方米 , 球类馆总建筑面积约0.6万平方米 。 主要建设内容为外立面改造 , 主体结构加固改造 , 室内装修及给排水系统、暖通系统、电气系统、燃气系统、热力系统改造等工程 。
Chaoyang district will add no less than 500 beds in elderly care facilities in 2022. Relying on local nursing homes, professional care services will be provided to the elderly. Home renovation to adapt apartments to the needs of elderly residents as well as information management will also be part of the plan. In 2021, the district officially launched the planning of such services, covering 43 sub-districts and townships and adding 706 beds in nursing homes.

