Winter|冰立方本周六起向公众开放 为期一个月......

冰立方本周六起向公众开放 为期一个月
Winter|冰立方本周六起向公众开放 为期一个月......

The Ice Cube, the venue for the Beijing Winter Olympics' curling competition, will be open to the public from April 16 to May 15. Visitors can enjoy the setting of the Winter Olympics, experience curling and take photos with Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon, the mascots of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
北京冬奥会冰壶项目竞赛场馆冰立方将于4月16日至5月15日向公众开放 , 市民可身临其境感受冬奥魅力 。 此外 , 冰立方南北连廊都保留了赛时的超大冰墩墩、雪容融 , 数十款生动活泼的吉祥物可让观众一次拍个够 。
刷新世界纪录 北京科研实现百公里量子直接通信
Beijing's scientific research institutions designed a new quantum direct communication system that can cover a distance of 100 kilometers. This is the longest quantum direct communication distance achievable worldwide. Quantum direct communication provides complete security of transferred information, only the transmitter and receiver hold the keys that can reconstruct the encrypted message.
北京的科研机构设计并实现了一种量子直接通信新系统 , 通信距离达百公里 。 这是当前世界范围内实现的最长量子直接通信距离 。 通信安全 , 是量子通信最重要的应用场景 。 以量子态作为载体进行信息编码和传输 , 即使信道存在噪声甚至窃听 , 仍能实现可靠且安全的通信 。
A number of bike-sharing operators in Beijing are guiding users to follow the new parking Regulations. Since the introduction of the new rules, 85% of active users of the three main platforms (Meituan, Hello, Didi) have signed an agreement, promising to ride in a civilized manner and park according to regulations. Shared bike parking in busy areas has improved.
北京市自行车电动车行业协会会同美团、哈啰、滴滴青桔三家共享单车运营企业联合开展“文明骑行 有序停放”宣传动员 , 引导用户文明骑行 。 自《北京区域互联网租赁自行车行业规范用户停放行为联合限制性公约(试行)》出台以来 , 三家企业85%的活跃用户已同意并签署公约 , 承诺在骑行中文明骑行、有序停放 , 一些热门区域的共享单车停放秩序已经有所改观 。
Beijing's 8 million new residents are expected to enjoy improved financial services. Beijing will promote the sharing of government affairs data and other important information and integrate social security, medical insurance, civil affairs and real estate information for new residents, in order to make it easier for them to obtain bank loans. Beijing has raised the maximum amount of guaranteed loans for personal start-ups from 300,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan.
Recently, more than 1,300 teachers and staff from private vocational schools in Beijing and Hebei participated in a free training aimed to improve their online teaching skills. Affected by the pandemic, some schools have gone online ,making such training essential for teachers to improve quality of online courses.
近日 , 京冀地区职业技能培训机构教师线上教学能力提升培训会启动 , 来自京冀地区民办职业技能培训机构的1300余名教职工参加了免费培训 。 受疫情影响 , 一些学校已经开展了网络培训 , 对教师提高网络课程质量至关重要 。
北京南中轴国际文化科技园一期今年开园 2023年投用

