英国特工007格斗技术 无声杀人是目标( 二 )

但是,我们这不是比赛 。你的目标是杀死你的对手,越快越好 。俘虏一般来说是个妨碍和危险源,尤其是你没有武器的时候更是如此 。所以,忘记拳击规则;忘记“犯规技术”这个词 。这听上去很残酷,但你不必要地花了更长时间才杀死对手更残酷 。所谓的“犯规技术”能帮助你快速杀死对手 。攻击对手最薄弱的部位 。如果他有机会,也会这么攻击你 。
There have been many famous boxers and wrestlers who time after time have won their contests with their favorite blows or holds. The reason is that they had so perfected those particular blows and holds that few could withstand them. The same applies to you. If you will take the trouble to perfect one method of attack,you will be far more formidable than if you only become fairly good at all the methods which you will to shown.
有很多著名拳击手和摔跤手一次又一次地用他们喜欢的拳法或摔法获胜 。原因是他们对这些拳法或摔法运用得如此完美,以至于无人能够抵挡 。对你来说也是一样 。如果你通过努力完美地掌握了一种进攻方法,要比还算不错地掌握了教给你的所有方法可怕的多 。
Since this course of instruction is meant to teach you to kill,it will be plain to you that its methods are dangerous. Your object here is to learn how to kill,but it is quite unnecessary to kill or damage your sparring partner. In learning and practicing,therefore,you will avoid taking any risks of that kind. You must never disregard the submission signal two taps on your opponents body or on your own,or on the floor. It is the signal to stop instantly and that is a rule which must never be broken.
因为本课程教你如何杀戮,你必须明白这些方法是危险的 。你的目标是学习如何杀戮,但完全没有必要杀死或伤害你的训练伙伴 。因此,在学习和训练时,你应该避开任何这种危险 。你绝对不能忽视你的训练对手投降的信号:在你训练对手的身上、或者你的身上、或者地板上拍两下 。这是立即停止的信号,这条规则永远不准打破 。
7. The syllabus is divided into six progressive sections. This arrangement is to be regarded,however,as elastic. Depending on such considerations as time available,progress made by students or their standard of knowledge.
7、本大纲分为六个循序渐进的部分 。这种安排需要重视,但也是有弹性的 。视时间长短、学生的进展或他们的知识程度而定 。
8. One of the primary objects of the instructor is to make his students attack minded,and dangerously so. No effort should be spared to realize this object,which should be regarded as one of the instructors chief responsibilities. Dull as it may become,constant repetition is the only road to proficiency and constant repetition there must be,no matter how much students may complain of boredom. Their business is to learn,at any cost. Fly proficiency is meant the ability to execute all the requirements of the syllabus swiftly,effectively and neatly,without having to stop to think.
8、教练的首要目标之一是培养学生的进攻精神 。不遗余力地实现这个目标,这应该被当作教练的首要责任之一 。尽管可能枯燥,不断地反复练习是通往精通的唯一道路,无论学生们如何抱怨乏味,必须不断反复练习 。他们的任务就是学习,无论付出什么代价 。高度精通意味着这样一种能力:快速、有效、干净利落地施展大纲所教的所有技术,完全不假思索 。

