睡前小故事 讲给女友的很甜很撩的温馨故事片段

埃里卡是一个非常调皮的男孩子 。有一天,但他在公园里玩耍时,他看到一只五颜六色的风筝卡在了一棵树的树枝上 。风筝是一个小女孩的 。埃里卡像飞快地爬上了那棵树,取下风筝 。他想:“ 如果我现在就下去,我就得把这风筝还给那个女孩子 。我就在这里等她走” 。但埃里卡最终爬下树时候,这里已经没有一个人了,而且天一片漆黑 。他吓得一路跑回了家 。他意识到他的行为是多么的愚蠢,第二天,他把风筝还给了那个女孩 。

睡前小故事 讲给女友的很甜很撩的温馨故事片段


 Naughty EricEric was a very naughty boy.One day, while he was playing in the park, he saw a colourful kite tangled up in the branches of a tree.The kite belonged to a little girl. Quick as a flash, Eric climbed up into the tree and untangled the kite.He thought, ' If i go down now, I will have to give the kite to the girl. I will wait for her to go away.'When Eric finally climbed down, there was no one around and it was pitch dark. He was so scared that he ran all the way home. He realised how foolish his actions had been and returned the kite to the girl the next day.

